KDUMP(1) General Commands Manual KDUMP(1)


kdumpdisplay kernel trace data


kdump [-dlNnRT] [-e emulation] [-f file] [-m maxdata] [-p pid] [-t trstr] [-x | -X size] [file]


kdump displays the kernel trace files produced with ktrace(1) in human readable format. The file ktrace.out in the current directory is displayed, unless either the -f option is used, or a file name is supplied as the last argument.

The options are as follows:

Display all numbers in decimal.
-e emulation
If an emulation of a process is unknown, interpret system call maps assuming the named emulation instead of default "netbsd".
-f file
Display the specified file instead of ktrace.out.
Loop reading the trace file, once the end-of-file is reached, waiting for more data.
-m maxdata
Display at most maxdata bytes when decoding I/O.
Suppress system call number-to-name translation.
Suppress ad hoc translations. Normally kdump tries to decode many system calls into a more human readable format. For example, ioctl(2) values are replaced with the macro name and errno values are replaced with the strerror(3) string. Suppressing this feature yields a more consistent output format and is easily amenable to further processing.
-p pid
Only display records from the trace file that are for the indicated pid.
Display relative timestamps (time since previous entry).
Display absolute timestamps for each entry (seconds since epoch).
-t trstr
Restrict display to the specified set of kernel trace points. The default is to display everything in the file. See the -t option of ktrace(1).
Display GIO data in hex and ascii instead of vis(3) format.
-X size
Same as -x but display hex values by groups of size bytes. Supported values are 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16.




The kdump command appears in 4.4BSD.
November 15, 2003 NetBSD 6.1