TEXI2DVI(1) User Commands TEXI2DVI(1)


texi2dvi - print Texinfo documents


texi2dvi [ OPTION]... FILE...


Run each Texinfo or LaTeX FILE through TeX in turn until all cross-references are resolved, building all indices. The directory containing each FILE is searched for included files. The suffix of FILE is used to determine its language (LaTeX or Texinfo).

Makeinfo is used to perform Texinfo macro expansion before running TeX when needed.

Operation modes:

-b, --batch
no interaction
-c, --clean
remove all auxiliary files
-D, --debug
turn on shell debugging (set -x)
-h, --help
display this help and exit successfully
-o, --output=OFILE
leave output in OFILE (implies --clean); Only one input FILE may be specified in this case
-q, --quiet
no output unless errors (implies --batch)
-s, --silent
same as --quiet
-v, --version
display version information and exit successfully
-V, --verbose
report on what is done

TeX tuning:

use @input instead of \input; for preloaded Texinfo
-e, -E, --expand
force macro expansion using makeinfo
search DIR for Texinfo files
-l, --language=LANG
specify the LANG of FILE (LaTeX or Texinfo)
-p, --pdf
use pdftex or pdflatex for processing
-r, --recode
call recode before TeX to translate input characters
-t, --command=CMD
insert CMD in copy of input file
or --texinfo=CMD
multiple values accumulate

The values of the BIBTEX, LATEX (or PDFLATEX), MAKEINDEX, MAKEINFO, TEX (or PDFTEX), TEXINDEX, and THUMBPDF environment variables are used to run those commands, if they are set. Any CMD strings are added after @setfilename for Texinfo input, in the first line for LaTeX input.


Email bug reports to <bug-texinfo@gnu.org>, general questions and discussion to <help-texinfo@gnu.org>. Texinfo home page: http://www.gnu.org/software/texinfo/


Copyright © 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. There is NO warranty. You may redistribute this software under the terms of the GNU General Public License. For more information about these matters, see the files named COPYING.


The full documentation for texi2dvi is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and texi2dvi programs are properly installed at your site, the command
info texi2dvi

should give you access to the complete manual.

December 2004 texi2dvi 1.34