FDC(4) |
Kernel Interfaces Manual (Amiga) |
FDC(4) |
fdc — Amiga custom chip floppy disk controller device
fdc0 at mainbus0
fd* at fdc? unit ?
fdc device driver provides support for the mainboard floppy disk controller and floppy disk drives on Amiga systems.
The driver supports the following floppy diskette formats by using particular partitions:
880KB 3.5-inch 11 sectors/track (``Amiga'') (a)
1.76MB 3.5-inch 22 sectors/track (``Amiga'') (a)
880KB 5.25-inch 11 sectors/track (``Amiga'') (a)
720KB 3.5-inch 9 sectors/track (``MS-DOS'') (b)
1.44MB 3.5-inch 18 sectors/track (``MS-DOS'') (b)
720KB 5.25-inch 9 sectors/track (``MS-DOS'') (b)
On systems equipped with floppy disk drives capable of using high-density floppy diskettes, the driver automatically detects whether the inserted floppy diskette is either a double-density or a high-density medium.
fdc: unable to allocate DMA buffer
The driver found the controller, but was unable to allocate the amount of chip memory required for its DMA buffers.
In order to detect a floppy disk drive's capability of using high-density media, a high-density diskette has to be inserted for the duration of the autoconfiguration phase of the drive.
The fdc driver supports neither the fdformat(1) facility nor the <sys/fdio.h> interface.