MFCS(4) |
Kernel Interfaces Manual (Amiga) |
MFCS(4) |
mfcs — BSC/AlfaData MultiFaceCard II/III serial communications interface
mfc0 at mainbus0
mfcs0 at mfc0 unit 0
mfcs1 at mfc0 unit 1
The MultiFaceCard II/III controls, among other things, a dual port EIA RS-232C (CCITT V.28) communications interface with a multiple character buffer.
Input and output for each MultiFaceCard III line may set to a maximum baud rates of 1152000. Formula for baud rate: Baud = 230400 / N with 1 < N < 65536.
Input and output for each MultiFaceCard II line may set to a maximum baud rates of 57600. Formula for baud rate: Baud = 115200 / N with 1 < N < 65536.
mfcs0: fifo overflow.
The four-character input “fifo” has overflowed and incoming data has been lost.
mfcs0: %d buffer overflows.
The software based input ring buffer has overflowed %d times and incoming data has been lost.
The Amiga mfcs device first appeared in NetBSD 1.1
The MultiFaceCard II/III serial ports use the level 6 interrupt and may experience fifo overflows if the LEV6_DEFER option is used.