FUSERMOUNT(8) System Manager's Manual FUSERMOUNT(8)


fusermountmanage librefuse mount items


fusermount [-chpVx] [-d name] refuseoptions

fusermount -u mountpoint(s)


The fusermount utility acts as a frontend to the refuse(3) library, allowing mounting and unmounting of refuse-based file systems.

There are essentially two forms of the fusermount command. The first, and default option, is to mount a refuse-based file system. By using the -u argument, the file system can be unmounted.

The arguments to fusermount are as follows:

Set a flag to enable kernel caching of files. At present this option has no effect.
-d name
Make the name argument appear as the file system name in mount(8) and df(1) output.
Print a usage message and exit.
Check the file permissions. At present this option has no effect.
Display the fusermount version on stdout, and then exit successfully.
Allow mortal (non-root) users to access the file system. At present, this option has no effect.

The fusermount utility is included mainly for compatibility reasons, since some file systems demand its existence.


fusermount returns 0 for successful operation, or non-zero if one of the operations did not complete successfully.


The command
fusermount -d ntfs-3g unused mount.ntfs-3g ntfs.img /mnt
will mount the file ntfs.img on the directory /mnt. Please note the unused argument in the command, which is necessary for compatibility with other implementations of the fusermount command.


df(1), puffs(3), refuse(3), mount(8)


The fusermount utility first appeared in NetBSD 5.0.


The fusermount utility was written by Alistair Crooks <agc@NetBSD.org>.
June 11, 2007 NetBSD 6.1