WSFONTLOAD(8) System Manager's Manual WSFONTLOAD(8)


wsfontloadload a font bitmap into the wsfont pool or a wscons display device


wsfontload [-Bbv] [-e encoding] [-f wsdev] [-h height] [-N name] [-w width] [fontfile]


The wsfontload utility loads a font bitmap into the wsfont font pool (or a wscons device if the device driver supports this). The font gets assigned a name in this process which it can be referred to by later for use on a display screen. The font is loaded from the specified fontfile, or from standard input if fontfile is not provided.

The options are:

Specifies that the font data is ordered right-to-left byte wise. The default is left-to-right.
Specifies that the font data is ordered right-to-left bit wise. The default is left-to-right.
-e encoding
Sets the encoding of the font. This can be either a symbolic abbreviation or a numeric value. Currently recognized abbreviations are:
ISO-8859-1 encoding
IBM encoded fonts
the custom encoding of the supplemental fonts which came with the BSD “pcvt” console driver
ISO-8859-2 (east european) encoding
ISO-8859-7 (greek) encoding
KOI8-R (russian) encoding
Per default, ‘iso' is assumed.
-f wsdev
Specify the device to operate on. Default is /dev/wsfont.
-h height
Sets the height of a font character in pixels. Default is 16.
-N name
Specifies a name which can be used later to refer to the font. If none is given, the fontfile name is used to create one.
Prints the font's properties before loading it.
-w width
Sets the width of a font character in pixels. Default is 8.

Typically, the wsfontload utility will be executed in system startup by the /etc/rc.d/wscons script, controlled by the /etc/wscons.conf configuration file.


/etc/wscons.conf /usr/share/wscons/fonts


wsfontload -N myname -h 8 -e ibm /usr/share/wscons/fonts/vt220l.808

Load the IBM-encoded 8×8-font from the wscons(4) distribution. This (or another 8×8-font) is necessary to use the 50-line screen type on vga(4) displays.

wsfontload -N orator -e ibm /usr/share/wscons/fonts/orator.816
wsconsctl -dw font=orator

Load the “orator” IBM-encoded 8×16 font and switch the first console screen (ttyE0, wsconsctl's default) to this alternate font.


wscons(4), wsconscfg(8), wsconsctl(8)


Many features are missing.

There is no way to remove a loaded font.

May 4, 2003 NetBSD 6.1