
asktime -- prompt for the correct time of day




This command prompts for the time of day. You must enter a legal time according to the proper format as defined below:


Here ccyy is the optional 4 digit year number (the current year is the default); the first mm is the month number; dd is the day number in the month; hh is the hour number (24-hour system); the second mm is the minute number.


If you enter an illegal time, asktime prompts with:
   Try again:


This example sets the new time, date, and year to ``11:29 April 20, 2005''.
   Current system time is Wed Nov  3 14:36:23 PST 2004

Enter time ([ccyymmdd]hhmm): 200504201129


asktime is normally performed automatically by the /etc/rc2 system startup scripts immediately after the system is booted; however, it may be executed at any time. The command is privileged, and can only be executed by the super user.

Systems which autoboot will invoke asktime automatically on reboot. On these systems, if you don't enter a new time or press <Return> within 1 minute of invoking asktime, the system will use the time value it has. If <Return> alone is entered, the time is unchanged.

See also

cmos(ADM), setclk(ADM), setclock(ADM)

Standards conformance

asktime is not part of any currently supported standard; it is an extension of AT&T System V provided by The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc.
© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005