
cleanque -- send warnings and return expired mail


/usr/mmdf/bin/cleanque [ -w ] [ -t ]


cleanque removes extraneous files from the tmp and msg subdirectories of the MMDF ``home queue'' directory (/usr/spool/mmdf/lock/home by default). It also sends warnings about mail that has not been fully delivered after ``warntime'' hours following submission. Finally, it returns mail that has not been fully delivered after ``failtime'' hours following submission. ``Warntime'' and ``failtime'' are defined in the MMDF mmdftailor(F) file with the MWARNTIME and MFAILTIME parameters.

Generally, cleanque should be run by cron, once a day, but may be run at any time to free up space.

Use the -w option if you are running cleanque manually and want to see what the program is doing.

The -t option displays the actions it would take on queued messages without actually doing anything.


cleanque does not currently remove extraneous files from the individual queues (q.* subdirectories).

See also

deliver(ADM), mmdftailor(F), queue(F)

Standards conformance

MMDF is not part of any currently supported standard; it was developed at the University of Delaware and is used with permission.
© 2007 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 05 June 2007