
cnvtmbox -- convert XENIX-style mailboxes to MMDF format


/usr/mmdf/bin/cnvtmbox [ -c | -o ] old_mailbox [ new_mailbox ]


cnvtmbox converts a mailbox (old_mailbox) either from the XENIX-style (the older UNIX-style) format to MMDF format or from MMDF format to XENIX format. Generally, mailboxes in MMDF format use <Ctrl>A to delimit messages; XENIX format uses lines beginning with ``From <Space>'' to delimit between messages. (You can change the message-delimiter character using the MMBXPREF and MMBXSUFF keywords in the mmdftailor(F) file.

If new_mailbox is specified, cnvtmbox places the converted mailbox in this folder: otherwise, this utility writes the converted mailbox to stdout.

The options to cnvtmbox are:

Converts XENIX-style or mixed-format mailbox to MMDF (generally <Ctrl>A-delimited) format. If no options are specified, -c is the default.

Converts MMDF or mixed-format mailbox to XENIX-style (or old UNIX-style) format.



See also


Mail and Messaging Guide

Standards conformance

MMDF is not part of any currently supported standard; it was developed at the University of Delaware and is used with permission.
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005