
nd -- network adapter driver start/stop script


/etc/nd start [ interface ]

/etc/nd stop [ interface ]

/etc/nd restart [ interface ]


The /etc/nd command is used to start or stop configured network adapter drivers. Configured network adapter drivers will start automatically at system startup time if /etc/nd is linked to /etc/rc2.d/S35dlpi. Similarly, configured network adapter drivers will stop automatically at system shutdown time if /etc/nd is linked to /etc/rc0.d/K97dlpi. See the rc0(ADM) and rc2(ADM) manual pages for further information.

WARNING: Do not manually edit the network driver startup and shutdown scripts. Doing so may disable the drivers. Use the Network Configuration Manager to add or modify network adapter driver configuration.

The /etc/nd command accepts the following arguments:

to stop network drivers

to start network drivers

to restart network drivers that are not performing adequately without stopping stack activity

the name of the driver to be started or stopped. The name is in the form netn-1, where n is the number of adapters configured in your system. Without this argument, /etc/nd starts or stops all configured drivers.
The /etc/nd command starts the dlpid daemon, which links each MDI driver installed in the system to the common DLPI module. The startup of /etc/nd generally precedes the startup of network transport stacks and other higher-level protocols.

See also

dlpid(ADM), llipathmap(ADM), rc0(ADM), rc2(ADM)
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005