
setconf -- set kernel configuration values


setconf system_variable value


setconf changes the value of the configurable kernel table variable system_variable. Only root may use this command.

If system_variable is defined on the system and its new value is valid, its old value is written to the standard output.

If system_variable is defined but its value cannot be changed as specified, the following message is displayed:

setconf: Invalid value

See the descriptions of the individual variables for details of allowed changes in value.

If system_variable is not defined on the system, setconf displays:

setconf: Unknown parameter - system_variable

The following variables are recognized. Variables marked "(obsolete)" were provided in previous releases, but are no longer supported.

KERNEL_CLISTS (obsolete)
number of clists allocated (may be increased only; maximum value is KERNEL_CLISTS_MAX)

maximum number of clists (may be decreased only; minimum value is KERNEL_CLISTS)

KERNEL_DISK (obsolete)
number of disk drives supported (may be increased only; maximum value is KERNEL_DISK_MAX)

KERNEL_DISK_MAX (obsolete)
maximum number of disk drives that can be supported (may be decreased only; minimum value is KERNEL_DISK)

KERNEL_FILE (obsolete)
size of file table (may be increased only; maximum value is KERNEL_FILE_MAX)

KERNEL_FILE_MAX (obsolete)
maximum size of file table (may be decreased only; minimum value is KERNEL_FILE)

number of record locks (may be increased only; maximum value is KERNEL_FLCKREC_MAX)

maximum number of record locks allowed (may be decreased only; minimum value is KERNEL_FLCKREC)

KERNEL_INODE (obsolete)
size of inode table (may be increased only; maximum value is KERNEL_INODE_MAX)

maximum size of inode table (may be decreased only; minimum value is KERNEL_INODE)

KERNEL_MOUNT (obsolete)
size of mount table (may be increased only; maximum value is KERNEL_MOUNT_MAX)

maximum size of mount table (may be decreased only; minimum value is KERNEL_MOUNT)

KERNEL_PINODE (obsolete)
size of High Performance Pipe System (HPPS) inode table (may be increased only; maximum value is KERNEL_PINODE_MAX)

maximum size of High Performance Pipe System (HPPS) inode table (may be decreased only; minimum value is KERNEL_PINODE)

size of process table (may be increased only; maximum value is KERNEL_PROC_MAX)

maximum size of process table (may be decreased only; minimum value is KERNEL_PROC)

KERNEL_REGION (obsolete)
size of region table (may be increased only; maximum value is KERNEL_REGION_MAX)

maximum size of region table (may be decreased only; minimum value is KERNEL_REGION)

KERNEL_S5INODE (obsolete)
size of s5inode table (may be increased only; maximum value is KERNEL_S5INODE_MAX)

maximum size of s5inode table (may be decreased only; minimum value is KERNEL_S5INODE)

Exit values

setconf returns 0 (zero) if the specified variable exists and its value was updated; a positive non-zero value is returned if the variable is invalid, the value of a variable cannot be changed, or an error occurs.


This example demonstrates the use of getconf(C) and setconf to increase the size of the kernel process table (KERNEL_PROC) to 1000 after checking the existing value and the maximum allowed value (KERNEL_PROC_MAX):

#getconf KERNEL_PROC
#setconf KERNEL_PROC 1000
#getconf KERNEL_PROC


Only root may use this command.

Variables that have names ending in _MAX hold the maximum allowed size of a kernel table. The values of these variables may only be reduced from the value assigned when the kernel was last linked or booted. The value may not be reduced below the current size of a kernel table.

All other variables hold the current size of a kernel table. The values of these variables may be increased only up to the maximum table size.

See also

getconf(C), pathconf(S), sysconf(S)

Standards conformance

setconf is not part of any currently supported standard; it is an extension of AT&T System V provided by The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc.
© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005