
wtinit -- object downloader for the 5620 DMD terminal


/usr/lib/layersys/wtinit [ -d ] [ -p ] file


The wtinit utility downloads the named file for execution in the AT&T TELETYPE 5620 DMD terminal connected to its standard output. The file must be a DMD object file. wtinit performs all necessary bootstrap and protocol procedures.

There are two options:

Prints out the sizes of the text, data, and bss portions of the downloaded file on standard error.

Prints the downloading protocol statistics and a trace on standard error.
The environment variable JPATH is the analog of the shell's PATH variable to define a set of directories in which to search for file.

If the environment variable DMDLOAD has the value hex, wtinit will use a hexadecimal download protocol that uses only printable characters.

Terminal Feature Packages for specific versions of AT&T windowing terminals will include terminal-specific versions of wtinit under those installation sub-directories. /usr/lib/layersys/wtinit is used for layers(C) initialization only when no Terminal Feature Package is in use.

Exit values

Returns 0 upon successful completion, 1 otherwise.


Standard error should be redirected when using the -d or -p options.

See also

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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005