
4014 -- paginator for the TEKTRONIX 4014 terminal


4014 [ -t ] [ -n ] [ -cN ] [ -pL ] [ file ]


The output of 4014 is intended for a TEKTRONIX 4014 terminal; 4014 arranges for 66 lines to fit on the screen, divides the screen into N columns, and contributes an eight-space page offset in the (default) single-column case. Tabs, spaces, and backspaces are collected and plotted when necessary. TELETYPE Model 37 half- and reverse-line sequences are interpreted and plotted. At the end of each page, 4014 waits for a new-line (empty line) from the keyboard before continuing on to the next page. In this wait state, the command !cmd will send the cmd to the shell.

The command line options are:

Do not wait between pages (useful for directing output into a file).

Start printing at the current cursor position and never erase the screen.

Divide the screen into N columns and wait after the last column.

Set page length to L; L accepts the scale factors i (inches) and l (lines); default is lines.

See also

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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005