
tapedump -- dump magnetic tape to output file


tapedump [ -a | -e ] [ -h | -o ] [ -bnstnum ] tape_device output_file


The tapedump command dumps the contents of magnetic tapes according to the options specified. Options include conversion from input format to user specified output format, specification of input and output blocksize, and the ability to specify that the dump begin at a specific start block on the tape and proceed for a specified number of blocks.

tapedump takes the following options:

Convert from EBCDIC input to ASCII output.

Convert from ASCII input to EBCDIC output.

Display tape output in hexadecimal format.

Display tape output in octal format.

-b num[bkw]
Set both input and output block size. num is the number of blocks, which can include b, k, or w to indicate the block size, which correspond to 1024-, 512-, or 2-byte blocks, respectively. If block size is not specified, b is assumed.

-n num
Specify dump of only num blocks.

-s num
Skip num input records before starting dump.

-t num
Specify which tape file to begin dump from, where num is the tape file sequence number.

The input tape device.

The output filename; standard output is the default. The output file may be specified to be another tape device.


This command reads a tape starting at block 400 and outputs the results in hexadecimal format into a user specified file called /tmp/hex.dump:

tapedump -b400 -h /dev/rct0 /tmp/hexdump

This command reads an EBCDIC tape and converts the standard output to ASCII:

tapedump -a /dev/rct0

See also

dd(C), hd(C), od(C), tape(C)

Standards conformance

tapedump is not part of any currently supported standard; it is an extension of AT&T System V provided by The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc.
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005