
rexd -- RPC-based remote execution server




rexd is the Sun RPC server for remote program execution. For non-interactive programs, the standard file descriptors are connected directly to TCP connections. Interactive programs involve pseudo-terminals, similar to the login sessions provided by rlogin(TC). This daemon may use NFS to mount filesystems specified in the remote execution request.

If enabled, rexd is stopped and started by rpcinit(NADM).


Diagnostic messages are normally printed on the console and returned to the requester.


pseudo-terminals used for interactive mode

authorized users

if this file exists, rexd logs errors and events here; this file is not created by default.

See also

exports(NF), mount(ADM), on(NC), rex(NS), rpcinit(NADM)
© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 02 June 2005