
ypmatch -- print the value of one or more keys from an NIS map


ypmatch [-d domain] [-k] [-t] key...mname

ypmatch -x


ypmatch prints the values associated with one or more keys from the Network Information Service (NIS) map (database) specified by mname, which may be either a mapname or a map nickname.

Multiple keys can be specified; the same map will be searched for all. The keys must be exact values insofar as capitalization and length are concerned. No pattern matching is available. If a key is not matched, a diagnostic message is produced.


specify a domain other than the default domain

Before printing the value of a key, print the key itself, followed by a colon (:). This is useful only if the keys are not duplicated in the values or you have specified so many keys that the output could be confusing.

inhibit translation of nickname to mapname. For example, ypmatch -t zippy passwd will fail because there is no map named passwd, while ypmatch zippy passwd will be translated to ypmatch zippy passwd.byname.

display the map nickname table. This lists the nicknames (mnames) the command knows of and indicates the mapname associated with each nickname.

See also

ypcat(NC), ypfiles(NF)
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 02 June 2005