
netgroup -- list of network groups


groupname member_1 member_2 ...


The /etc/netgroup file defines network-wide groups. It is used for permission checking when doing remote mounts, remote logins, and remote shells. For remote mounts, the information in netgroup is used to classify machines; for remote logins and remote shells, it is used to classify users. Each line of the netgroup file defines a group and has the form shown in the ``Format'' section where member_i is either another group name, or a triple:

(hostname, username, domainname)

Any of three fields can be empty, in which case it signifies a ``wild card.'' Thus

universal (,,)

defines a group to which everyone belongs. Field names that begin with something other than a letter, digit, or underscore (such as ``-'') work in precisely the opposite fashion. For example, consider the following entries:

   justmachines (analytic,-,sun)
   justpeople   (-,babbage,sun)
The machine, analytic, belongs to the group, justmachines, in the domain, sun, but no users belong to it. Similarly, the user, babbage, belongs to the group, justpeople, in the domain, sun, but no machines belong to it.

Network groups are contained in the Network Information Service and are accessed through these files:


These files can be created from /etc/netgroup using makedbm(NADM).



See also

makedbm(NADM), ypmapxlate(NF), ypserv(NADM)
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 02 June 2005