
aasd.conf -- Address Allocation Server configuration file format


# Server parameter settings

keyword value

# Address pool definitions

pool name:address_type {


The default configuration file for the Address Allocation Server (AAS) is /etc/aasd.conf. The file has a text-based, line-oriented format, and is composed of lines containing keyword-value pairs that set server parameters, and address pool definitions.

Each line of the configuration file must be no more than 1023 characters in length, including the newline character. There is no facility for line continuation.

Spaces or tabs are required between lexical elements, and may be used at the beginning and end of lines arbitrarily. Blank lines may appear anywhere.

Comments are denoted by a ``#'' preceded by a space or tab or the beginning of a line. Everything from the ``#'' to the end of the line is ignored.

Server parameter settings

The Address Allocation Server supports several operating parameters that can be set in the configuration file using keyword-value pairs. The defined keywords are described below.

Absolute path Directory in which the address server stores and looks for the live database file.

The size in bytes at which the server will automatically compress the database. The value must be an integer, optionally followed by k or K to multiply by 1024, or m orM to multiply by 1048576.

An absolute pathname that defines the directory in which the server stores checkpoint files.

The interval in seconds between checkpoints. The value must be an integer.

The number of most recent checkpoint files to save.

Password used for authentication on a network connection. There can be any number of passwords defined, each of which is a valid password. The value must be a string, an must not contain any quote marks.

Address pool definitions

The pool keyword defines an address pool with name name of type address_type. Currently, the Address Allocation Server only supports the INET address type for IPv4 addresses. Each pool can define individual addresses or address ranges separated by spaces or tabs. An address range is specified by two addresses separated by only a dash (no spaces or tabs).

The following is an example pool definition:

   pool subnet35:INET {

See Also

aasd(ADMN), dhcpd(ADMN), dhcpd.conf(SFF)
© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 02 June 2005