
inet -- Internet protocol stack configuration file


variable value


/etc/default/inet contains a list of TCP/IP kernel variables that may be tuned to control the behavior of the Internet protocol stack. This file is read and acted upon by inconfig(ADMN).

Each line of the file consists of two fields: a variable name and its desired value.

Lines that start with a ``#'' are treated as comments and ignored.

For a complete list of the variables which can be included here and their possible values, see UNRESOLVED XREF-0.


   # variable              value   
   # ----------------------------
   # ARP debugging
   arpprintfs              0   
   # forward datagrams from one interface to another
   ipforwarding            0  
   # send redirects if forwarding out same interface
   # (should be 1 if ipforwarding is 1)
   ipsendredirects         0 
   # if 1, round_mss to the nearest power of 2, e.g.
   # 1024 on Ethernet (if you have a fast Ethernet
   # board, set this to 0)
   tcp_round_mss           1



See also

inconfig(ADMN), incf(ADMP)
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 02 June 2005