
ruptime -- show host status of local machines


ruptime [ -a ] [ -l | -t | -u ] [ -r ]


ruptime displays a status line for each machine on the local network; these are formed from packets broadcast by each host on the network once every 1 to 3 minutes. Following is the format in which ruptime displays a status line for each host:

host_name status time #_of_users load_averages

Following is a description of the above fields:

Following is an example status line.
   london        up  7+14:48,     1 user,   load 1.20, 1.18, 1.17
Hosts are displayed in alphabetical order unless the sort order is changed by one of the following option flags:

Sort the display of hosts by load average, in order of highest to lowest load average.

Sort by amount of time the hosts have been up, in order of greatest to least amount of up time.

Sort by number of users, from most to least number of users.

Reverse sort order; reverses either the default sort order or the order specified by one of the other option flags.


Each host to be listed must be running the rwhod(ADMN) server, which broadcasts a status packet once every 1 to 3 minutes. The local host must also be running this server to maintain the data files. Since broadcasts do not cross gateways, hosts on other networks will not be listed. If rwhod was running but is not currently running, old data files will exist. In this situation ruptime will display information only for the first three fields.


data files

See also

rwho(TC), rwhod(ADMN)
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 02 June 2005