
VtPushButton -- create PushButton, return widget name


VtPushButton widgetName [options]


Creates a PushButton. (Label class options are used to label the button.) Returns the PushButton widget name.


-callback cmd (C)
Sets the callback to call when you press the button.

Additional callback keys:

-armedPixmap pixmap file (CS)
Sets the pixmap file to use for the armed pixmap. The armed pixmap is displayed when you press a button.

Number of multi-clicks pressed inside a button. This is used to detect double or triple click events inside a pushbutton.

Contains the pushbutton's label string.

-textVariable string (CS)
Updates the interpreter variable string with the widget value. The update happens under the same conditions that would invoke -callback, but before -callback is called. Setting a value into the interpreter variable updates the ComboBox as if setting -value on the widget.

Return values

If VtPushButton fails, it returns one of the following error messages:

Standard errors
See ``Tcl widget creation errors'' in Developing Visual Tcl applications.

02 June 2005
© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 - 02 June 2005