
VtRadioBox -- create RadioBox, return widget name


VtRadioBox widgetName [options]


Creates a RadioBox. Returns the widget name.


-autoSelect boolean (CS)
Works only in character mode. If autoSelect is True, buttons within the radiobox are automatically selected when traversing to them. The selection follows the focus when moving between radio buttons with the arrow keys. This provides behavior equivalent to the Microsoft® Windows(TM) radiobox. The default is False.

-callback cmd (CS)
Sets the cmd called when a toggle button in the radiobox is selected. This overrides any callback set for the contained toggle buttons.

Additional callback keys:

selected toggle button

selected toggle button

-noCallback (CS)
Suppresses the -callback when -value is set.

-textVariable string (CS)
Updates the interpreter variable string with the widget value. The update happens under the same conditions that would invoke -callback, but before -callback is called. Setting a value into the interpreter variable updates the RadioBox as if setting -value on the widget.

-value widgetName (CSG)
Turns on the widgetName passed in toggle button. To use this option, also set -noCallback.

Return values

If VtRadioBox fails, it returns one of the following error messages:

already has callback, trying to set callback when one already specified

widget has no children

specified -noCallback without setting -value

no widget corresponding to widgetName given

Standard errors
See ``Tcl widget creation errors'' in Developing Visual Tcl applications.

02 June 2005
© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 - 02 June 2005