VtSet -- set value of a widget option

VtSetFocus- Sets focus on widget - see Note

VtSetSensitive- Sets sensitivity of widget - see Note

VtSetValues- Synonym of VtSet


VtSet widgetName [options]
VtSetValues widgetName [options]


Used to set the value of a widget option. The option name used is the same option used in widget creation. Only options which have an ``S'' next to the option name in the command reference can be set with VtSet.


Use any valid options for the particular widget. xmArgs to pass X resources to the server. For example:
VtSetValues $myLabel -label foo
Sets the label string of $myLabel to ``foo''.

Return values

If VtSet fails, it returns one of the following error messages:

the option is not settable


VtSetFocus and VtSetSensitive remain available in this release for backward compatibility.

Please use VtSet with the appropriate options rather than VtSetFocus or VtSetSensitive to ensure forward compatibility.

For VtSetFocus, use:

VtSet -takeFocus
VtSet -focusDirection

For VtSetSensitive, use:

VtSet -sensitive

02 June 2005
© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 - 02 June 2005