
xdt3 -- the graphical user interface for the Desktop

Command syntax

xdt3 [Xt_options]


xdt3 is the X client that determines the behavior and appearance of the Desktop. xdt3, also referred to as the Desktop, provides a graphical user interface for executing utilities and applications, moving through directories, and manipulating files.

Icons are used to represent utilities, applications, files, and directories on the Desktop. The Desktop can be used to attach icons to files and to define the behavior generated by manipulating those icons with the mouse. For example, you can open windows for files and directories or run programs and utilities by doubling-clicking on their corresponding icons.

Desktop-specific features such as icons, menus, and mouse actions are primarily defined in Desktop objects and rules within rule files. The Desktop resource file also affects elements of the behavior and appearance of the Desktop. This manual page includes sections on objects, rules, rule files, and important Desktop resources.

Command options

xdt3 supports all of the standard Xt_options(XC), except the -iconic option.


Objects are used for linking mouse actions or ``triggers'' to system or Desktop actions and tasks. A single object, represented by a user-selected icon, can have different scripts to interact with a binary in different ways; objects are consequently useful for implementing applications on the Desktop.

Some advantages of objects are that they are self-contained, well-suited for portability, easily exchanged from user to user, simply structured and easy to debug.

An object is a directory that contains several specific files but behaves as if it is a single entity with its own icon. These files determine the various properties of the object, including the picture used for the object icon, and the specific actions that are executed when the object is manipulated.

The main guidelines associated with objects are:

For example, you could define an object with the title ``Compress'' in a directory named Compress.obj. The icon for the object ``Compress'' is then stored in Compress.obj/picture.px.

In the object script Compress.obj/activate, you could define any action that is to occur when the icon is activated by double clicking the first mouse button on it.

Similarly, in the object script Compress.obj/drop, you could define any action that is to occur when an icon is dragged and dropped onto it with mouse button 1.

Scope of objects

When objects are created in this manner, they are visible and available for use when you open the directory containing the object directory, referred to as the parent directory, is opened. They are also made visible if you have dragged them onto the Desktop.

If you want a particular object to appear on all users' Desktops, it is best to use the common directory called Applications. All objects that are to be universal should be defined in this directory. In addition, you should edit the Desktop rule file, described later in this manual page, so that the common directories appear by default on all user Desktops.

Rule files

Rule files are Desktop-specific configuration files. The rule files can exist in various locations on the system. Their location determines the impact the rules have on your users. For example, rules can have system-wide, directory-wide, desktop-wide or single user-wide effects, depending on which rule file they are in.

While any rule can be defined in any rule file, certain rules are better suited to particular rule files. For example, directory behavior should be specified in a local rule file; general menus should be defined in the system rule file; and a desktop-specific menu should be specified in a desktop rule file. Stand-alone applications, however, should be defined in an object.

Rule file types

The main types of rule files are:

Local rule files
define the specific behavior for the contents of the directory in which the file is located or the directory itself. The contents of a local rule file are only read when the directory containing it is opened.

For example, an archiving directory can be created which compresses any file dragged into its directory window. This information is specified in a local rule file.

The default filename is:

<directory name>/.xdtdirinfo

or as specified in the Desktop resource file. For more information on the Desktop resource file, see the Desktop resources section near the end of this manual page.

Desktop rule files
define the appearance and behavior of desktops. Generally, a desktop rule file specifies which file and directory icons are on the desktop, and their positions.

The contents of a desktop rule file are only examined when the desktop is opened. Changes made graphically to the desktop's appearance are implemented immediately; changes made to a desktop by editing the desktop rule file do not take effect until the next time the desktop is opened.

The main Desktop is specified by default in the file Main.dt in each user's home directory.

You can have additional desktops open at any time. Desktop rule files allow users to have different rules for different desktops; for example, a user might have both a programming environment and a text editing environment. A new desktop is created by defining a new desktop rule file. Desktop rule files should have the desired desktop name, followed by the extension ``.dt''. For example, the file Find.dt corresponds to the ``Find'' desktop.

The default filename is:


where $HOME represents your home directory. Desktop rule files are discussed in the Rule file section that occurs later in this manual page.

User rule files
apply only to a specific user on the system. User rule files allow users to give their desktops different appearances and behaviors.

For example, advanced users can define short cuts for all their frequently used operations, whereas less experienced users may prefer to work on a simpler system in which they are less likely to make a mistake.

The default filename is:


or as specified in the Desktop resource file. For more information on the Desktop resource file, see the Desktop resources section near the end of this manual page.

System rule files
are generic or default rules that apply across the system to all users.

The contents of the user and system rule files are only examined when the Desktop starts up or after the Deskshell command reset. For more information on Deskshell commands, see the deskshell(XC) and the deskcommands(XC) manual pages.

The default filename is:


Dynamic rules

In addition to the rule files already discussed, dynamic rules can be used to specify rules. Unlike rule files, dynamic rules need not be specified in a particular file with a specific naming convention. Instead, dynamic rules have the following unique properties:

Precedence of rule files

Rule files can be located in various locations on the system, and the location determines the scope of the rule file. For example, a rule file located in a user's home directory affects only operations done by that user, and a local rule file affects only the files in the directory that contains it. The system rule file applies to all operations for all users on all files, unless it is superseded by some other rule file.

When it needs a certain rule, the Desktop searches the various rule files in the order shown later in this section; once it finds a certain type of rule, it does not look for other instances of that rule. For example, if a local rule file specifies an icon for a particular file, the Desktop does not look to see whether a different icon is specified in a desktop, user, or system rule file. Hence, the local rule file is said to ``take precedence'' over all other rule files.

The main types of rule files are searched in the following order:

Local rule files
provide rules that apply only to the files in the directory. These can be found in any directory.

Desktop rule files
provide rules that apply only to the files on the desktop. These can be found in any desktop.

Dynamic rules
are only valid if and when they are loaded. They cease to be valid if and when they are unloaded.

User rule file
defines rules that only affect the user

System rule file
contains default rules and specific global rules that apply to all desktops running on a given machine, unless different rules are explicitly defined for the directory, the desktop, or the user in a rule file or dynamic rule. There is only one such file, and it should only be changed by the system administrator.

System and user rule files are preloaded; therefore, any changes made to these files take effect the next time the Desktop is run.

See the ``Modules'' section, later, for other options on creating rules.

Internal rule precedence

This section provides a list of guidelines for which rules have precedence over others within a rule file.

In general, more specific statements take precedence over general statements. The internal precedence can be determined using the following guidelines:

NOTE: Dynamic rules have a separate precedence hierarchy that is different than the one described here. For more information on the precedence of dynamic rules, see the Graphical Environment Guide.

Selecting a rule file

To determine the most suitable rule file in which to insert a rule, analyze the desired impact upon users. First, evaluate how widespread a particular rule's effect should be. Second, consider the type of rule being inserted. Certain rule types are well-suited for particular rule file types (desktop_layout rules are suited for the desktop rule file, for example).

The following is a list of general guidelines to follow when choosing a rule file:


Modules are a feature that make the rules more modular and, therefore, easier to upgrade. A module is a set of rules that are loaded at system startup and act as if they are in the system rule file. Because they are not actually located in the system rule file, however, they are easy to support and users do not have to try and understand the system rule file's complexity to make modifications to the Desktop behavior. Modules are placed in /usr/lib/X11/IXI/XDesktop//rules/modules.

A module can be specified to work on a per-user or per-group basis. For example, the group ``Support'' can be specified to use modules a, b, and c, whereas the group ``Staff'' or user ``john'' only use module a. This is accomplished through a series of resources, a few examples of which are shown below:

used by all users

used by all users in group ``Support''

used by user ``john'' only
As part of the system file layout, modules can be written and placed in a special directory ($HOME/.xdt_dir/modules), where they only take effect for that user.

Modules written with the .auto extension are special modules that are always loaded at startup. The purpose of these modules is for easy installation of new rules and/or applications. Installation of a new application with special rules only needs to locate the modules directory and insert a new .auto module containing these rules.

Modules written with the Loop_ prefix work in exactly the same way as normal modules but are performed within a background loop. The loop is run upon startup and then every n seconds, where n is defined by the resource XDesktop3.rules.LoopDelay. A loop module is only run if it is listed in the XDesktop3.Rules.defaultLoopModules resource. This again has all the benefits of a module and is used to avoid multiple loops.

For optimum performance, these rule modules should be quite short. A good example of a loop module is a mail checker or directory contents checker.

If you want a new module to run every tenth time the main loop is run, this can be carried out by means of a simple counter within the module itself. See the following .auto module example:

   idr -F filecheck_rule `
      * /F
        trigger_action: activate
           message This file is $static_arg

If the above file is placed in a user's $HOME/.xdt_dir/modules directory and called filecheck.auto, for example, then after a restart, if the user double-clicks on any file with mouse button 1, an fyi box appears and provides the full pathname of the file.


Rules, found within rule files and dynamic rules, can be used to configure icon pictures, icon titles, desktop layout, actions of the mouse, menus, actions associated with different directories on the Desktop, and many other variable aspects of the Desktop. Rules are also used to specify the behavior of all icons, menus, and directories.

Elements of a rule file

The rules are divided into clauses that can be in six main categories, defined as: icon_rules, locked_on_desktop, desktop_layout, initial_actions, final_actions, and menu. There are also sub-rules or sub-clauses to each of these types:

These rules define the appearance and behavior of icons. They describe what the icon for each file looks like (which picture file contains the artwork and what the icon title is) and what occurs when an icon is invoked by a mouse action.

These rules list the icons that are locked onto a desktop and cannot be removed with the Put Back menu item.

These rules list which icons are initially on a desktop and their positions.

These rules specify the actions taken when the rule file is first opened. System and user rule files are opened when the Desktop process is first started. Directory and desktop rule files are opened when their associated windows are opened.

These rules specify the actions taken when the rule file is closed. Rules files are closed in a parallel fashion to the way they are opened (see the preceding initial_actions entry).

These rules define the title and items of a menu and what happens when any item on the menu is selected.
For a detailed description of these clauses, including appropriate syntax, see ``Rule file clause and keyword descriptions''.

Effects of different rule types in different rule files

The following table illustrates the effects of various rule types in the different types of rule files.

Rule type Local rule Desktop User rule System Dynamic
  files rule files files rule files rules
icon_rules Affect icons in directory containing rule file Affect icons on desktop Affect all of the user's icons Affect all icons Affect all icons while loaded
locked_on_desktop Ignored Applies to desktop Applies to main desktop
desktop_layout Ignored Applies to desktop Applies to desktops not already holding a desktop_layout clause
initial_actions When directory is opened When desktop is opened When the Desktop starts When the rule file is installed
final_actions When directory is closed When desktop is closed When the Desktop exits When the rule file is removed
menu Available in the directory the rule file is in Available in desktop it is in Available in all directories and desktops

 |    Rule type     | Local rule |  Desktop   | User rule  |   System   |   Dynamic   |
 |                  |   files    | rule files |   files    | rule files |    rules    |
 |icon_rules        | Affect     | Affect     | Affect all | Affect all | Affect all  |
 |                  | icons in   | icons on   | of the     | icons      | icons while |
 |                  | directory  | desktop    | user's     |            | loaded      |
 |                  | containing |            | icons      |            |             |
 |                  | rule file  |            |            |            |             |
 |locked_on_desktop | Ignored    | Applies to |        Applies to main desktop        |
 |                  |            | desktop    |                                       |
 |desktop_layout    | Ignored    | Applies to |    Applies to desktops not already    |
 |                  |            | desktop    |    holding a desktop_layout clause    |
 |initial_actions   | When       | When       |    When the Desktop     | When the    |
 |                  | directory  | desktop is |    starts               | rule file   |
 |                  | is opened  | opened     |                         | is          |
 |                  |            |            |                         | installed   |
 |final_actions     | When       | When       | When the Desktop exits  | When the    |
 |                  | directory  | desktop is |                         | rule file   |
 |                  | is closed  | closed     |                         | is removed  |
 |menu              | Available  | Available  |   Available in all directories and    |
 |                  | in the     | in desktop |   desktops                            |
 |                  | directory  | it is in   |                                       |
 |                  | the rule   |            |                                       |
 |                  | file is in |            |                                       |

Rule syntax

You must follow syntactical guidelines and use conventional layout when writing rules. The following guidelines apply:

Structure of rule files

A rule file or an object script is made up of a sequence of clauses. Each clause or rule can have one of the two following forms:

keyword = value ;


keyword = { body }

where the body is normally a sequence of further clauses or a Deskshell script that specifies a system action to be taken. For more information on Deskshell, see the deskshell(XC) and the deskcommands(XC) manual pages.

Rule files are blocked structures; in general, their layout is not important. For example, the following two rules are equivalent:

   icon_rules {* /D{picture=dir.px;}* /F{picture=file.px;}}
      * /D
        picture = dir.px ;
      * /F
        picture = file.px ;
However, the second format is recommended. It is easier to identify the structure of the rule and to match brackets, making it easier to debug.

Using keywords

Each rule or clause within a rule is introduced by a keyword. Keywords can be entered in long, descriptive forms or in short, two-letter forms. For example, icon rules are introduced either by the keyword icon_rules or the abbreviation ic. The following table lists the valid keywords with their abbreviations and definitions. For a detailed description of these keywords, see ``Rule file clause and keyword descriptions''.

Rule type Keyword Abbr. Definition
Section keywords icon_rules ic describe the appearance and behavior of files that are represented by icons
  locked_on_desktop lf specifies icons that are to be locked on the Desktop
  desktop_layout dt describes the icons on the Desktop and their positions
  initial_actions ia specify actions when the rule file is first opened
  final_actions fa specify actions when the rule file is closed
  menu me defines the items on menus and the actions to be performed when a particular item is selected
trigger_action ta specifies the actions to be performed when a specified trigger occurs with the mouse pointing to the icon
Subclause in directory rules and desktop rules drop_in_action da specifies the actions to be performed when the specified dynamic trigger occurs on a directory window or icon
Subclauses in menu rules menu_item mi specifies an item on a menu and the action to be performed when the item is selected
  pull_off_menu pm specifies a subsidiary menu that cascades off the named menu, leaving both the current menu and the pull_off_menu visible on the screen
  dividing_line dv=n puts line in menus
  thick_dividing_line dv=t  
  enable_if   specifies an action to determine if the menu command is selectable, or dimmed out
  select_action   specifies the actions to be performed when a command is selected
Subclauses in icon rules picture pi assigns a picture file to the specified file or group of files
  title ti assigns a title to be displayed with the icon
  attribute at allows attributes to be assigned to a file or group of files

 |   Rule type     |       Keyword       | Abbr. |      Definition      |
 |Section keywords | icon_rules          | ic    | describe the         |
 |                 |                     |       | appearance and       |
 |                 |                     |       | behavior of files    |
 |                 |                     |       | that are represented |
 |                 |                     |       | by icons             |
 |                 +---------------------+-------+----------------------+
 |                 | locked_on_desktop   | lf    | specifies icons that |
 |                 |                     |       | are to be locked on  |
 |                 |                     |       | the Desktop          |
 |                 +---------------------+-------+----------------------+
 |                 | desktop_layout      | dt    | describes the icons  |
 |                 |                     |       | on the Desktop and   |
 |                 |                     |       | their positions      |
 |                 +---------------------+-------+----------------------+
 |                 | initial_actions     | ia    | specify actions when |
 |                 |                     |       | the rule file is     |
 |                 |                     |       | first opened         |
 |                 +---------------------+-------+----------------------+
 |                 | final_actions       | fa    | specify actions when |
 |                 |                     |       | the rule file is     |
 |                 |                     |       | closed               |
 |                 +---------------------+-------+----------------------+
 |                 | menu                | me    | defines the items on |
 |                 |                     |       | menus and the        |
 |                 |                     |       | actions to be        |
 |                 |                     |       | performed when a     |
 |                 |                     |       | particular item is   |
 |                 |                     |       | selected             |
 |Common           | trigger_action      | ta    | specifies the        |
 |subclauses       |                     |       | actions to be        |
 |                 |                     |       | performed when a     |
 |                 |                     |       | specified trigger    |
 |                 |                     |       | occurs with the      |
 |                 |                     |       | mouse pointing to    |
 |                 |                     |       | the icon             |
 |Subclause in     | drop_in_action      | da    | specifies the        |
 |directory rules  |                     |       | actions to be        |
 |and desktop      |                     |       | performed when the   |
 |rules            |                     |       | specified dynamic    |
 |                 |                     |       | trigger occurs on a  |
 |                 |                     |       | directory window or  |
 |                 |                     |       | icon                 |
 |Subclauses in    | menu_item           | mi    | specifies an item on |
 |menu rules       |                     |       | a menu and the       |
 |                 |                     |       | action to be         |
 |                 |                     |       | performed when the   |
 |                 |                     |       | item is selected     |
 |                 +---------------------+-------+----------------------+
 |                 | pull_off_menu       | pm    | specifies a          |
 |                 |                     |       | subsidiary menu that |
 |                 |                     |       | cascades off the     |
 |                 |                     |       | named menu, leaving  |
 |                 |                     |       | both the current     |
 |                 |                     |       | menu and the         |
 |                 |                     |       | pull_off_menu        |
 |                 |                     |       | visible on the       |
 |                 |                     |       | screen               |
 |                 +---------------------+-------+----------------------+
 |                 | dividing_line       | dv=n  | puts line in menus   |
 |                 | thick_dividing_line | dv=t  |                      |
 |                 +---------------------+-------+----------------------+
 |                 | enable_if           |       | specifies an action  |
 |                 |                     |       | to determine if the  |
 |                 |                     |       | menu command is      |
 |                 |                     |       | selectable, or       |
 |                 |                     |       | dimmed out           |
 |                 +---------------------+-------+----------------------+
 |                 | select_action       |       | specifies the        |
 |                 |                     |       | actions to be        |
 |                 |                     |       | performed when a     |
 |                 |                     |       | command is selected  |
 |Subclauses in    | picture             | pi    | assigns a picture    |
 |icon rules       |                     |       | file to the          |
 |                 |                     |       | specified file or    |
 |                 |                     |       | group of files       |
 |                 +---------------------+-------+----------------------+
 |                 | title               | ti    | assigns a title to   |
 |                 |                     |       | be displayed with    |
 |                 |                     |       | the icon             |
 |                 +---------------------+-------+----------------------+
 |                 | attribute           | at    | allows attributes to |
 |                 |                     |       | be assigned to a     |
 |                 |                     |       | file or group of     |
 |                 |                     |       | files                |

Using special characters

The following table shows special characters that are recognized when included within rules:

Character Meaning
= is an assignment operator
! is an assignment separator
{ (open brace)
} (close brace}
groups together statements within a rule block
% (percent) introduces special phrases and instructions; is used as an escape sequence for shell metacharacters and special characters listed in this table
; (semicolon) terminates other items; is optional when followed by a close brace
%// marks the beginning of a one-line comment
   (white space) is ignored except in special cases, such as in the literal text supplied as an icon title

 |Character            | Meaning                                         |
 |=                    | is an assignment operator                       |
 |!                    | is an assignment separator                      |
 |{ (open brace)       | groups together statements within a rule block  |
 |} (close brace}      |                                                 |
 |% (percent)          | introduces special phrases and instructions; is |
 |                     | used as an escape sequence for shell            |
 |                     | metacharacters and special characters listed in |
 |                     | this table                                      |
 |; (semicolon)        | terminates other items; is optional when        |
 |                     | followed by a close brace                       |
 |%//                  | marks the beginning of a one-line comment       |
 |   (white space)     | is ignored except in special cases, such as in  |
 |                     | the literal text supplied as an icon title      |

If the name does not begin with a slash, it is interpreted as relative to a directory, depending on the type of rule file being processed:

Rule file Directory for relative includes
local rule files same directory
dynamic rules $HOME
desktop rule files $HOME
user rule files $HOME
system rule files same directory
object directory same directory

 |Rule file          | Directory for relative includes |
 |local rule files   | same directory                  |
 |dynamic rules      | $HOME                           |
 |desktop rule files | $HOME                           |
 |user rule files    | $HOME                           |
 |system rule files  | same directory                  |
 |object directory   | same directory                  |
Because spaces are used to separate field in rule files, you should put a string in single quotes if it includes spaces. For example, type

echo 'Press return'

to display Press return

NOTE: If the single quote is to be used in a string, include two successive single quotes (").

Strings should also be enclosed in quotes if you want to include any of the special characters (such as {}=;`).

Using variables

In rule files or in object scripts, variables can be used to monitor numbers and text strings. Using variables, the user can keep track of the number of files that need to be processed in a particular directory. Variables also can be used to store the actual filenames yet to be processed in a directory. Alternatively, variables can be used to search for a particular string in a filename in a given directory or the Desktop.

Variables give additional flexibility when you are writing rules that manipulate components of the Desktop.

A variable name can be any sequence of letters, digits, and underscores provided that the first character is not a digit. Variables beginning with two underscores are discouraged because this naming convention is used in the standard rules (however, one leading underscore is permissible).

Unlike most programming languages and shell scripts, variables need not be specially defined, and they are assigned values with the equals sign (=). For example,

assigns the numeric value 10 to the variable count.

For further flexibility, variables can be assigned a list of values. The list is specified by putting all of the list elements in brackets. For example,

   editors=(vi scoedit ed)
assigns the variable editors a list of the names of three editors on the system.

The values of variables can be accessed in a rule file or object script by using the ``$'' operator. Specific elements in a variable list can be extracted by putting one or more element numbers in parentheses after the variable name. While

has the value: ``vi scoedit ed'';
has the value: ``scoedit''

You can find the number of elements in a variable list with the ``$#'' operator. For example,

yields the value 3.

The element can come from another variable or construct. For example,

has the value: ``ed''.

Environment variable values can also be included in a rule file by using the operator ``$''. Catenation is also allowed. For example,

are both acceptable.

Using substitutions

Substitutions are used in action clauses. These clauses link mouse manipulations of the object or triggers with system or Desktop actions. They allow the action to specify the filename of an icon that is affected when it is dropped or triggered.

The following special sequences can be substituted in picture and title clauses in icon_rules clauses:

String Meaning
%B0 basename of the file

%C0 class of the file, given as six characters in standard order
%D0 absolute pathname of the directory holding the file
%E0 basename without the suffix (dot and characters following the dot)
%P0 absolute pathname of the file

%R0 relative pathname of the file. When a title clause is being expanded within a directory window, this is the same as B.

 |String | Meaning                                  |
 |%B0    | basename of the file                     |
 |%C0    | class of the file, given as six          |
 |       | characters in standard order             |
 |%D0    | absolute pathname of the directory       |
 |       | holding the file                         |
 |%E0    | basename without the suffix (dot and     |
 |       | characters following the dot)            |
 |%P0    | absolute pathname of the file            |
 |%R0    | relative pathname of the file. When a    |
 |       | title clause is being expanded within a  |
 |       | directory window, this is the same as B. |

Specifying file and directory pathnames

The Desktop uses standard UNIX operating system conventions for referencing the pathname of a file. The values in parentheses are substitutions that can be used to reference the various types of pathnames. Substitutions are discussed later in this manual page.

A file can be referred to in one of the following ways:

absolute pathname (%P0)
pathname of the file starting from the root directory (/)

basename (%B0)
name of the file within its directory. This is the part of the absolute pathname following the last slash.

dirname (%D0)
absolute path of the directory holding the file. It is the part of the absolute pathname that precedes the last slash.

relative pathname (%R0)
name of the file relative to the user's present working directory. This is true only if the file is in the user's home directory or one of its subdirectories. Otherwise, it is the same as the absolute pathname.

The following example shows the pathname reference for the file /people/fred/work/letter:

Absolute pathname: /people/fred/work/letter
Basename: letter
Dirname: /people/fred/work
Relative pathname: determined by present working directory:  
Working directory: Relative pathname:  
  / people/fred/work/letter
  /people fred/work/letter
  /people/fred work/letter
  /people/fred/work letter
  any other /people/fred/work/letter

 |Absolute pathname: | /people/fred/work/letter                      |
 |Basename:          | letter                                        |
 |Dirname:           | /people/fred/work                             |
 |Relative pathname: | determined by present working directory:      |
 |                   | Working directory: | Relative pathname:       |
 |                   | /                  | people/fred/work/letter  |
 |                   | /people            | fred/work/letter         |
 |                   | /people/fred       | work/letter              |
 |                   | /people/fred/work  | letter                   |
 |                   | any other          | /people/fred/work/letter |

NOTE: There is one exception. The dirname of ``/'' is slash dot (/.), and its basename is slash (/).

Deskshell command language

Rules are defined using commands and scripts. You can specify regular UNIX operating system binaries and shell scripts in your rules. However, it is recommended that you learn how to use the Deskshell commands and scripts. Deskshell is a command language, complete with a flexible range of control structures and a wide range of commands.

Because Deskshell is designed specifically for use with the Desktop and because Deskshell commands execute significantly faster than regular UNIX shell commands, Deskshell commands are recommended for coding your script. For more information on writing scripts using Deskshell, including how to use Deskshell syntax and commands, see the deskshell(XC) and the deskcommands(XC) manual pages.

Desktop resources

You can customize some characteristics of the Desktop by editing your personal Desktop resource file; this file contains user preferences for the Desktop client. If the file does not already exist, create it with the full pathname:


where $HOME represents your home directory.

Alternatively, you can create your own X resource file that contains user preferences for all clients instead of just the Desktop. If the file does not already exist, create it with the full pathname:


where hostname is the name of the machine.

Either of the above files may be used to include Desktop resources, although the .Xdefaults-hostname resource file takes precedence over the XDesktop3 resource file.

Once you create one or both of these files, copy relevant resources from the Desktop resource file into one of them and change them to suit your specific needs. The Desktop resource file is /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/XDesktop3.

The most useful resources are listed here.

If ``True'', specifies that the main Desktop occupies the whole root window. The default is ``True''. The isRoot window obeys any geometry specified for the first (main) window. This means the isRoot window can be smaller than the screen.

It is strongly recommended that users change this behavior by using the Desktop Preferences Editor utility on the Desktop rather than in a resource file.

Specifies the key combination that makes the Desktop grab the keyboard focus. The default is <Shift><Alt><F2>.

If isRoot is set, it is necessary to assign a key to toggle keyboard focus in order to be able to use the menu accelerators or answer prompts on the isRoot desktop window.

Specifies the search path for the icon picture files (will expand to $HOME). The default is:

$HOME/.xdt_dir/bitmaps/xdt_large, and

Specifies where to find the system rule file. The default is /usr/lib/X11/IXI/XDesktop/rules/system/xdtsysinfo.

Specifies the name of the user rule file. The default is .xdtuserinfo

Specifies the name of the directory rule files. The default is .xdtdirinfo

Specifies the number of trays (Desktop and/or directories) that are cached. The default is ``0'' (increasing this number may cause a minor overall performance loss while decreasing the time to reopen directories).

Specifies the distinction between a click and a hold. If the button is held down for longer than the value of this resource, the action is a hold. The default is ``700'' milliseconds.

Specifies the distinction between a single and a double click. If the button is released for longer than the value in this resource, the action is a single click. The default is ``500'' milliseconds.

Specifies the name of the menu rule that defines the contents of the desktop menu bar (to be used in rule files). The default is ``DesktopMenuBar''.

Specifies the name of the menu rule that defines the contents of the directory menu bar (to be used in rule files). The default is ``DirMenuBar''.

Specifies the maximum number of files that can be in a directory. The default is ``10000''.

NOTE: There are numerous resources regarding colors that appear on the Desktop. Colors should always be defined in terms of SCO OpenServer palette colors, otherwise there is a risk of overflowing the colormap. Furthermore, it is better to use the scocolor client to change colors as opposed to re-defining resources. For more information on the scocolor client, see the scocolor(XC) manual page.

Rule file clause and keyword descriptions

The following sections provide detailed descriptions of the rule file clauses and keywords:

attribute [at]

A component of icon_rules clauses to assign an arbitrary string to specified pathnames.


attribute: name=string ;


a single word containing only letters, digits, hyphens, and underlines

the string to be assigned to name


The following rule defines a comment attribute which is displayed when the icon is double-clicked with mouse button 2:
      *.comm /F
         attribute: comment=comment for this icon;

trigger_action: alt_activate { for_info `(get_attribute comment $static_arg) } } }

See also:

desktop_layout [dt]

A rule file clause that describes which files are on a desktop, together with their positions. It is normally generated automatically by the Desktop.


desktop_layout { [ filename  [@ position ] ; ] . . . }


name of the file

position of the icon, in one of the following forms, where x and y are numbers:

first free position in the grid (default)

position in the standard tidying grid. ``0,0'' is top left.

position in pixels

the Desktop will pick a position


When the Desktop writes a desktop_layout clause back to a desktop file, it appends the clause to the front of the original contents of the file, prefixed by the header shown below.

Any other desktop_layout clauses in the file will thereafter be ignored, and can be removed.

Each desktop_layout clause subsequently written back to the file will replace the one following the ``%/dt/'' header. If the clause is edited by hand in any way, or another clause is placed in front of it, the ``%/dt/'' header should be removed.




%// This file has had a new DT clause inserted. If there was a previous %// DT clause in the file, it will not have been removed, but it will be %// ignored by X.desktop from now on. %// We suggest you search this file for a second DT clause (not the one %// immediately following this comment), and delete both it and this %// comment.

%// A DT clause has the form dt { . . . } or desktop_layout { . . . }.

dt { . . . contents of new desktop_layout clause . . . }

The comments can be removed without ill effect.


Your main Desktop file, $HOME/Main.dt, might contain the following desktop_layout clause:
   %$HOME$ @G0,0;
   %$HOME$/Personal.dt @G1,0;
   /usr/lib/X11/IXI/XDesktop/tools/Accessories.ts/Edit.obj @G2,0;
   /usr/lib/X11/IXI/XDesktop/tools/System.ts/Shell.obj @G3,0;
   /usr/lib/X11/IXI/XDesktop/tools/Devices.ts/Printer.obj @G4,0;
   /usr/lib/X11/IXI/XDesktop/tools/Accessories.ts/Help.obj @G5,0;
   /usr/lib/X11/IXI/XDesktop/tools/Accessories.ts @G0,1;
   /usr/lib/X11/IXI/XDesktop/tools/Controls.ts @G0,2;
   /usr/lib/X11/IXI/XDesktop/tools/Accessories.ts/Mail.obj @P201,372;
   %$HOME$/trash.dt @G0,3;

dividing_line [dv=n]

Defines a dividing line on a menu.




A component of menu clauses which gives a thin dividing line between menu commands.


The following menu includes a dividing line between the first and second menu commands:
   menu: Applications
      menu_item: Clock
         shell_window xclock
      dividing_line ;

menu_item: Shell { shell_window } }

See also:

drop_in_action [da]

A component of the icon_rules clause which specifies the actions to be performed when a specified trigger occurs with the mouse pointing to the background of a window.


drop_in_action: trigger { script }


the name of a trigger, which can be one of:

a Deskshell script specifying the actions to be performed


The script can be blank, in which case the trigger will have no effect. For example, the following clause specifies that trigger report on a directory window background should do nothing:
      * /D
         drop_in_action: report { }


In the following example, When the user double-clicks with the alternate mouse button on a directory window background, the window will be closed:
      * / D
         drop_in_action: alt_report
            close_directory $static_arg

See also:


A property of menu_item clauses which specifies an action to determine if the menu command is selectable, or grayed-out. If not specified, the command is always selectable.


enable_if { script }


If a menu command has an enable_if clause, it will only be selectable if the specified action returns a true status.

When the user selects a menu, all the enable_if clauses in the menu definition are executed, in the order of the menu entries, by a priority thread which is a child of the window thread for the window displaying the menu.

Each item is enabled only if status is true after the corresponding script is executed.

If a menu command has no enable_if clause, this is equivalent to:

enable_if { true }

An empty script, or one that does not affect status, sets the state of the command to the same as the previous one.

Only the following commands are allowed in priority scripts:

!= -class -eq
-ge -gt -le
-lt -ne -same
= == absreadlink
basename break canonical
cd continue declare
dirname eval exit
extension false fileclass
followlink get_attribute get_resource
join list commands merge
pwd query commands readlink
relativepath return sequence
split tolower toupper
true unextended variables

 !=             -class           -eq
 -ge            -gt              -le
 -lt            -ne              -same
 =              ==               absreadlink
 basename       break            canonical
 cd             continue         declare
 dirname        eval             exit
 extension      false            fileclass
 followlink     get_attribute    get_resource
 join           list commands    merge
 pwd            query commands   readlink
 relativepath   return           sequence
 split          tolower          toupper
 true           unextended       variables
Functions are permitted in priority threads, but not external programs.


The following example enables a menu item only if a single icon has been selected on the desktop:
   menu: DesktopMyMenu
         -eq 1 `(list count `(query selections `(query thread_info -i $thread_name
         # ...script...

final_actions [fa]

Specifies a set of actions to be executed when the rule file is closed.


final_actions { script }


a Deskshell script specifying the actions to be performed


The system thread initially executes the initial_actions clauses in the system and user rule files, and then changes to suspended state.

When a dynamic rule is loaded or unloaded using dynamic_rule or remove_dynamic_rule with the -x flag, the system thread changes to the ready state and executes the appropriate initial_actions or final_actions clause. It then reverts to suspended state.

When the Desktop receives a die command to shut it down, the system thread executes the final_actions clauses in the user and system rule files, and then terminates.

Each desktop or directory window thread initially executes the initial_actions clause in the directory or desktop rule file, and then changes to suspended state. When the window is closed the thread executes the final_actions clause and then terminates.


The following example in a system or user rule file displays a dialog box when the user exits from the Desktop:
      for_info 'Have a nice day!'

See also:

icon_rules [ic]

A rule clause that describes the behavior and appearance of icons.


pattern [/class] { clauses }


pattern matching filenames to which clauses should apply; see below

classes of file to which clauses should apply; see below

one or more of the following:

title clause
to specify the title for the matched icons

picture clause
to specify the picture for the matched icons

trigger_action clauses
to specify the action for specified triggers on the matched icons

attribute clauses
to specify attributes for the matched icons


The clauses apply to files matching the specified pattern and class. The pattern can be absolute or relative.


Patterns look like filenames or pathnames, but can contain certain special characters or wildcards. There must be at least one space or newline before the /class.

The basename of a pattern can include the following wildcard characters:

any character. For example, ``a?c'' includes the files abc and aac, but not the file abbc.

any sequence of characters, including none. For example, ``a*c'' includes the files ac, abc, and acbc.

any of the specified set of characters. For example, ``a[bc]d'' includes the files abd and acd, but no others.

none of the specified characters. For example, ``a[!bc]d'' will not include the files abd and acd.
These patterns can be combined. For example, ``[!A]*'' means any file beginning with a character other than A.

Relative patterns

If the pattern does not begin with a ``/'', it is a ``relative pattern'', which can match files anywhere in the system. The pattern cannot include ``/''.

Rules following relative patterns in a local rule file apply to files in the directory that match the pattern. Rules following relative patterns in all other rule files apply to all files whose basenames match the pattern.

Absolute patterns

If the pattern begins with a ``/'', it is an ``absolute pattern'', which will match only files in a specific directory. Absolute patterns cannot occur in local rule files. Wildcards can only be included after the last ``/'' in an absolute pattern.

Rules following absolute patterns apply to files in the directory given by the pattern up to the last ``/'', and whose basename matches the part after the last ``/''. These rules take precedence over those following relative patterns in any rule file.


Classes are used to represent the properties of files in a concise form. For a complete explanation of classes, see ``fileclass''.


The following example defines a rule that will cause any icons dropped on a directory icon to be moved into that directory:
      * /D
         trigger_action: drop
            move_into $static_arg $dynamic_args

initial_actions [ia]

Specifies a set of actions to be executed when the rule file is opened.


initial_actions { script }


a Deskshell script specifying the actions to be performed


The system thread initially executes the initial_actions clauses in the system and user rule files, and then changes to suspended state.

When a dynamic rule is loaded or unloaded using dynamic_rule or remove_dynamic_rule with the -x flag, the system thread changes to ready state and executes the appropriate initial_actions or final_actions clause. It then reverts to suspended state.

When the Desktop receives a die command to shut it down, the system thread executes the final_actions clauses in the user and system rule files, and then terminates.

Each desktop or directory window thread initially executes the initial_actions clause in the directory or desktop rule file, and then changes to suspended state. When the window is closed the thread executes the final_actions clause and then terminates.


The following clause in an .xdtdirinfo file in the user's home directory will display a message whenever the directory is opened:
      for_info 'Welcome to your Home directory'

See also:


Specifies icons to be displayed permanently on a desktop.


locked_on_desktop { filename ; . . . }


files to be locked onto the desktop


A locked_on_desktop clause applies as follows:

System and user rule files
to the main Desktop

Desktop rule file
to that desktop

Local rule file


The following example locks the root, /bin and /usr/bin directory icons onto the desktop.
      /        ;
      /bin     ;


Defines the commands on menus, and the actions to be performed when a particular command is selected.


menu: menuname { clauses }


a reference name used by the pull_off_menu clause and trigger definitions. It must contain only letters, digits, and underlines. Case is ignored.

one or more of the following:

menu_item clauses
to define the name and action for each of the functions on the menu

dividing_line clauses
to specify lines dividing the menu functions into groups


A menu is defined by providing a menu_item clause for each function on the menu; see menu_item.

Dividing lines can be inserted on the menu using the dividing_line and thick_dividing_line clauses.

Menus can be given a title by making the first item have no actions, in which case it will automatically be centered.

Note that menu is also the short form of menu_actions_of.


The following clause defines a simplified desktop View menu:
   menu: DesktopViewMenu
      menu_item: Clean up     _l_Ctrl<Key>L_Ctrl+L
         { tidy_desktop $static_arg }
      menu_item: Reorganize   _R_Ctrl<Key>R_Ctrl+R
         { reorganize_desktop $static_arg }

See also:

menu_item [mi]

A component of menu clauses which defines a menu command, and the action to be performed when the command is selected.

Syntax -- short form

menu_item: cmdname { script }


the name of the menu function

the commands to be executed when the user chooses the function, or empty, which gives itemname as a centered title for the menu, or a pull_off_menu menu clause; see pull_off_menu

Syntax -- long form

menu_item tag
select_action { script }
enable_if { enablescript }


an item tag used by menu_actions_of for resource fetching

the name of the menu command or function

the commands to be executed when the user chooses the function

script executed to determine whether the menu function is enabled or disabled; see ``enable_if''

the name of a pull_off_menu clause; see pull_off_menu


The select_action and pull_off_menu clauses cannot both be present.

The cmdname can include the string:


which defines:

For example:

defines ``[Ctrl]O'' as an accelerator for the menu command Open. There is no mnemonic, and the accelerator key is not shown on the menu.

defines ``N'' as a mnemonic for the menu command New. There is no accelerator key.


The following menu_item commands define New File and New Directory menu commands:
   menu_item: New File_F_Ctrl<Key>F_Ctrl+F
      make_new_file $static_arg
   menu_item: New Directory_D_Ctrl<Key>D_Ctrl+D
      make_new_file -d $>static_arg

See also:

picture [pi]

A component of icon_rules clauses which assigns a picture file to the files specified in the file specification.


picture=[filename] ;


picture filename, usually with a .px extension


The list of directories to be searched is specified by the *pictureDirectory resource. If no filename is specified, the icon will not be displayed.


The following rule specifies that all directories are to use the picture in the picture file dir_rw_o.px.
      * / D { picture=dir_rw_o.px }

The following rule hides all files beginning with a ``.'' (dot):

      .* / F { picture= }

See also:

pull_off_menu [pm]

A component of menu_item clauses which defines a menu command to display a cascade menu.


pull_off_menu=menuname ;


the name of a menu command defining the cascade menu


The following example defines a Sort cascade menu:
   menu_item: Sort      _Sort__

menu: DirSortMenu { menu_item: by Title _T__ { display_directory -a $static_arg } menu_item: by Time _i__ { display_directory -t $static_arg } menu_item: by Size _S__ { display_directory -s $static_arg } }

See also:


A component of menu_item clauses which specifies the actions to be performed when the command is selected from the menu.


select_action { script }


The following menu_item clause defines a Greeting menu command which displays the Desktop greeting window:

See also:

thick_dividing_line [dv=t]

Defines a thick dividing line on a menu.




A component of menu clauses which gives a thick dividing line between menu commands.


The following menu includes a thick dividing line between the first and second menu commands:
   menu: applications
      menu_item: Applications {}

menu_item: xclock { xclock } thick_dividing_line ; menu_item: shell { shell_window" } }

See also:

title [ti]

A component of icon_rules or menu_item clauses which assigns a title to an icon or menu command respectively.




The following clause sets the title of the xcalc program:
      xcalc /F

See also:

trigger_action [ta]

A component of the icon_rules clause which specifies the actions to be performed when a specified trigger occurs with the mouse pointing to the icon.


trigger_action: trigger { script }


the name of a trigger or * (any trigger), s* (any static trigger), d* (any drag trigger), or h* (any hold trigger) See ``Trigger descriptions'' for a list of all available triggers.

a Deskshell script specifying the actions to be performed


The script can be blank, in which case the trigger will have no effect. For example, the following clause specifies that trigger alt_activate on a directory should do nothing:
      * /D
         trigger_action: alt_activate { }


In the following example, when any directory is activated, a directory window is opened to show the contents of that directory in time order:
      * / D
         trigger_action: activate
            display_directory -t $*

Trigger descriptions

The following sections provide detailed descriptions of the Desktop triggers:

* (trigger)

Matches any trigger.


trigger_action: *


The following trigger action will occur when an icon is triggered with any trigger, using any mouse button.

trigger_action: * { ...actions... }

See also:


Activates an icon.


trigger_action: activate


The following icon rule displays a for_info dialog box when the test icon is activated:
         trigger_action: activate
            for_info 'Testing'


Activates an icon with the alternate mouse button, usually mouse button 2.


   trigger_action: alt_activate

See also:


The trigger action for dragging an icon and dropping it onto another icon or a window background with the alternate mouse button.


trigger_action: alt_drop

See also:


The trigger action for clicking on the title of an icon with the alternate mouse button.


trigger_action: alt_rename

See also:


The trigger action for double-clicking on a window background with the alternate mouse button.


drop_in_action: alt_report

See also:


Selects with the alternate mouse button.


trigger_action: alt_select

See also:


Copies an icon.


trigger_action: copy


Matches any dynamic trigger.


trigger_action: d*


The following example displays the name of the icons dropped onto this icon with any drag trigger:
      * /F
         trigger_action: d*
            if == $#dynamic_args 1
               for_info '$dynamic_args was dropped on this icon'
               for_info '$dynamic_args were dropped on this icon'

See also:


Deselects icons.


trigger_action: deselect


Discards an icon.


trigger_action: discard


The following Trash icon script sends the discard trigger to all the icons dropped onto the Trash icon to discard each icon.
   for i
      do_actions_of discard $i $static_arg

The loop is executed with $i equal to each string in the list $*.


The trigger action for dragging an icon and dropping it onto another icon or a window background.


trigger_action: drop

See also:


Duplicates an icon.


trigger_action: duplicate


The standard definition of the Duplicate command in the directory File menu is:
   menu_item: Duplicate _u__
      do_actions_of duplicate $static_arg $dynamic_args

This finds the trigger_action: duplicate clause for the object in $static_arg, represented by the icon triggered, and runs it, passing the current value of $dynamic_args as the objects for the trigger action to use as its $dynamic_args.


Matches any hold trigger.


trigger_action: h*


The following trigger action will occur when any hold trigger is caused on the icon:
   trigger_action: h*

Buttons 1 and 2 can be used for hold triggers by rewriting the *trigger.mapping resource. However, bear in mind that:

See also:


The trigger action for holding with mouse button 3 on an icon.


trigger_action: menu


The following rule displays an info_menu on an Info icon:
         trigger_action: menu
            popup info_menu $static_arg $dynamic_args

See also:


Moves an icon.


trigger_action: move


The default move action, for icons with no alternative move action, is:
         trigger_action: move
            name =`(basename $static_arg)
            for_info -h moving -t 'Icon: '^$name 'You may not move this icon.'


The trigger action for holding with mouse button 3 on a window background.


trigger_action: popup_menu


The trigger action for clicking on the title of an icon.


trigger_action: rename


Do not confuse the rename trigger (defined in the trigger mappings as corresponding to a single click on an icon title) with the rename Deskshell command (which renames a file in the filing system).


The trigger action for double-clicking on a window background.


drop_in_action: report


The following example checks all icons and does a refresh when you double-click on the background of a directory:
      SomeDir /D
         trigger_action: report
            check -D $static_arg
            action swap open_new $static_arg


Matches any static trigger.


trigger_action: s*


The following trigger action occurs when any static trigger is applied to an icon (a double-click with mouse button 1 or 2). Mouse button 3 defaults to a menu, but can be used as a static trigger with some rewriting of the trigger table, using the *trigger.mapping resource. See h*, for the potential consequences of this action.

trigger_action: s* { actions }

See also:


Selects icons.


trigger_action: select



NOTE: $HOME represents your home directory and hostname is the name of the machine.

See also

deskcommands(XC), deskshell(XC), mwm(XC), objbld(XC), tellxdt3(XC), Xsco(X), Xt_options(XC)
© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 26 May 2005