
rlockshm -- shared memory control for file and record locking


rlockshm -[cdhmrAFHLO] [configParam] . . .
rlockshm -V


When specified with no options, rlockshm attempts to attach to the shared memory and creates it if it doesn't exist (using the configParam settings that follow the options list, if given).

The following options to rlockshm can be entered from the command line:

This option may be specified to force the creation of the shared memory and semaphores. It reports an error if the indicated resources already exist. The configParam setting may be used to change the default conditions.

Display the default configuration and exit. Note that the default values may not be the currently configured values (see the -m option).

Display the help message. This option prevents any further processing from the program.

Display the current configuration and exit. Note that the current values may not be the same as the default values (see the -d option). Also, if the shared memory and semaphores don't exist, this option allows them to be created unless other options prevent it.

Specifies explicit removal of a corrupted shared memory segment and semaphore. (For certain, very stubborn cases, it may be necessary to use a host-provided command to remove the resources individually.)

Specifies that every entry in the internal table being displayed is to be shown. Normally when the internal tables are displayed, only the entries that are currently in use are shown.

Displays the file table. The file table contains an entry for every distinct open file.

Displays the hash table. The hash table is used to speed lookup of the file table entry.

Displays the lock table. Each entry in the lock table corresponds to a specific lock request from a personal computer running PC-Interface.

Displays the open-file table. The open-file table is a record of each of the open requests made by a personal computer running PC-Interface. The number of entries in this table should be no fewer than the number of entries in the file table.

The rlockshm command takes optional parameters, specified by configParam, in the form:


The following parameters can be configured:

Shared memory segment attach address (the normal value is 0, which allows the system to select the address, avoiding most potential problems).

Low 16 bits of the shared memory and semaphore keys.

Maximum number of open file table entries.

Maximum number of file header table entries.

Maximum number of hashed file table entries.

Maximum number of record lock table entries.

Maximum number of individual record locks.

displays the internal version number for this command.


All pcidossvr processes should be terminated before using the -r option. For the greatest safety, the PC-Interface server should also be stopped so that new PC-Interface connections can't occur.


When setting configuration data, you must create the shared memory segment and semaphore for rlockshm. If they already exist, they should be removed (using the -r option).
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004