
Uutry -- try to contact remote system with debugging on


/usr/lib/uucp/Uutry [options] system_name


The Uutry command is a shell that is used to invoke uucico(1Mbnu) to call a remote site. Debugging is initially turned on and is set to the default value of 5. The debugging output is written to /tmp/system_name.


The Uutry command takes the following options:

-c type
Force uucico to use only ``Type'' field entries in Devices(4bnu) that match type. This is usually the name of a local area network.

Override the retry time set in the status file, /var/uucp/.Status/system_name, and force execution of uucico using the -f option.

-x debug_level
Set the debug level to a number from 0 to 9. Higher numbers give more detailed debugging information.











Devices(4bnu), Limits(4bnu), Permissions(4bnu), Systems(4bnu), uucico(1Mbnu), uucp(1bnu), uux(1bnu)
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004