
dbTrace -- enable tracing for a specific database connection


cc [flag ...] file ... -kthread -leels [library] ...
#include <eelsdba.h>

int dbTrace(DBConn *conn, int level);


dbTrace enables tracing for a specific database connection, or for all database connections. When tracing is enabled, debugging information is written to /etc/eels/logs/eelsd.log.

If a NULL connection is passed to this routine, then debugging is enabled on the internal connection that EELS maintains to the administrative database. A NULL connection also causes the trace level to be set on all subsequent connections that are made to any EELS database. This provides a means of setting a global trace level for all connections if dbTrace is called at the begining of a program that uses the EELS database abstraction layer.


(Input) A database connection that was returned from a previous call to dbConnect(3dba).

(Input) A value between 0 and 4 with 0 being tracing disabled, and 4 being the highest debugging level.

Return values

dbTrace always returns 0.


dbConnect(3dba), Intro(3dba)
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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004