Dequeue a queue element
#include <udi.h>ARGUMENTS element is a pointer to a queue element
DESCRIPTION udi_dequeue removes element from its queue and returns it in the function return. The specified element must be linked into a UDI queue at the time udi_dequeue is called, and must not be the list head.
The next and prev fields of element are not modified.
udi_dequeue shall be equivalent to the following implementation:
udi_queue_t *udi_dequeue( udi_queue_t *element) { element->next->prev = element->prev; element->prev->next = element->next; return element; }RETURN VALUES The element passed in is returned.
REFERENCES udi_enqueue, udi_queue_t
21.2.3 Queuing Macros
The macros defined in this section are general queue management macros used for the queuing of arbitrary structures linked together via embedded udi_queue_t structures. The behavior is indeterminate if the listhead passed to any of these macros other than UDI_QUEUE_INIT has not been previously initialized with UDI_QUEUE_INIT, or if the element or old_el parameter passed to any of the macros other than UDI_ENQUEUE_HEAD/TAIL and UDI_QUEUE_FOREACH is not currently linked into a UDI queue.