
xdas_put_event_info -- add specific event information to an audit record buffer


cc [flag ...] file ... -Kthread -leels [library] ...
#include <sys/xdas.h>

OM_uint32 xdas_put_event_info( OM_uint32 *minor_status, const xdas_audit_ref_t *das_ref, const xdas_audit_desc_t *audit_record_descriptor, const OM_unit32 event_number, const OM_unit32 outcome, const xdas_buffer_t *initiator_information, const xdas_buffer_t *target_information, const xdas_buffer_t *event_information);


The xdas_put_event_info(3xdas) function is a member of the XDAS Event Submission API Option Conformance class.

xdas_put_event_info(3xdas) adds event information to an audit record or overwrites existing information. If the combination of information submitted and already present in the audit record referred to by audit_record_descriptor is insufficient to evaluate applicable pre-selection criteria, the function returns XDAS_S_NO_DECISION_YET to the caller. If there is sufficient information for evaluation of applicable pre-selection checks the XDAS_S_COMPLETE or XDAS_S_NO_AUDIT are returned to the caller. Multiple calls to xdas_put_event_info(3xdas) may be made. For any individual parameter, information supplied in this call will overwrite any previous information supplied.

Although several parameters are optional in this call, a caller must have populated all the parameters, even when empty, in one or more sequences of calls to xdas_start_record(3xdas) and xdas_put_event_info(3xdas) before a call to xdas_commit_record(3xdas) can be successful.

The caller must have the XDAS_AUDIT_SUBMIT authority.

If successful, the function returns XDAS_S_COMPLETE, XDAS_S_NO_DECISION_YET or XDAS_S_NO_AUDIT. If XDAS_S_NO_AUDIT is returned, audit_record_descriptor is no longer a valid reference to an audit record.

If XDAS_S_NO_DECISION_YET is returned, the caller should continue to construct the audit record by subsequent calls to xdas_put_event_info(3xdas).


(Output) An implementation specific return status that provides additional information when XDAS_S_FAILURE is returned by the function.

(Input) The handle to the XDAS server, obtained from a previous call to xdas_initialise_session(3xdas).

(Input) The handle to the audit record, obtained from a previous call to xdas_start_record(3xdas).

(Optional input) The event number of the detected event. If specified as a NULL value then the event number currently associated with audit_record_descriptor is unchanged. Otherwise, event_number overwrites the current value. Only registered event numbers configured are valid. Any other event number results in the return of XDAS_S_INVALID_EVENT_NO.

(Optional input) The outcome of the event determined by the caller. If specified as a NULL value then the outcome code currently associated with audit_record_descriptor is unchanged by this call. Otherwise outcome_code overwrites the current value. Only the outcome codes listed in ``XDAS events'' are valid.

(Optional input) The information describing the initiator in the format required by the XDAS common audit format. If specified as XDAS_C_NO_BUFFER the current initiator information associated with the audit_record_descriptor supplied is unchanged by this call. Otherwise the contents of initiator_information overwrite the current value associated with audit_record_descriptor.

(Optional input) The information on the target of the event in the format required by the XDAS common audit format. If specified as XDAS_C_NO_BUFFER the current target information associated with the audit_record_descriptor supplied is unchanged by this call. Otherwise the contents of target_information overwrite the current value associated with audit_record_descriptor.

(Optional input) The event specific information that is to be added to the audit record specified by audit_record_descriptor. If specified as XDAS_C_NO_BUFFER the current event specific information associated with the audit_record_descriptor supplied is unchanged by this call. Otherwise the contents of event_information overwrite the current value associated with audit_record_descriptor.

Return values

The caller does not possess the required authority.

Successful completion.

An implementation specific error or failure has occurred, such as missing required parameters, or a malloc failure.

The audit service handle supplied does not point to the audit service.

The specified audit event information is invalid.

The specified event number is invalid.

The initiator information supplied has a syntax error.

The specified outcome is not valid.

The specified audit record descriptor is invalid.

The specified target information has a syntax error.

The event specified does not need to be audited.

The audit service has insufficient information to decide if the event requires auditing.


xdas_put_event_info(D3xdas), xdas_commit_record(3xdas), xdas_start_record(3xdas)

© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004