
screen -- tty [01-n], color, monochrome, ega, vga display adapter and video monitor


The tty [01-n] device files provide a character interface to the video display monitor and keyboard. Each file corresponds to a separate teletype device. Although there is a maximum of 12 screens, the exact number available (n) depends upon the amount of memory in the computer. The screens are modeled after a 25-line, 80-column ASCII terminal, unless specified otherwise.

The system console device can be either a terminal (a serial adapter device, tty1a) or a system keyboard display adapter monitor (tty01).

/dev/console is the device used by the system administrator for system maintenance (single-user) operations. It is the tty to which the first default shell is attached.

System error messages from the kernel are written to /dev/console, which is normally the current multiscreen. If /dev/console is the default output device for system error messages, and the display being used is switched to graphics mode, console messages are not displayed.

When the video device returns to text mode, a notice message is displayed and the text of the kernel error can be recovered from /usr/adm/messages.

Initially, /dev/console is linked to /dev/systty. The actual physical device accessed via /dev/systty is selected during boot, and is typically the device used to control the bootup procedure. The default physical device /dev/systty is determined by boot(HW) when the system is brought up.

/dev/syscon is the system console device used by init. See init(M) for more information.

Although all tty[01-n] devices may be open concurrently, only one of the corresponding devices can be active at any given time. The active device displays its own screen and takes sole possession of the keyboard. It is an error to attempt to access the color, monochrome, ega, or vga file when no corresponding adapter exists or no multiscreens are associated with it.

Any active screen may be selected by entering <Alt><Fn> (or <Ctrl><Alt><Fn> when running in a graphical environment), where <Fn> is one of the function keys. For example, <F1> refers to the tty01 device.

Code examples are included in the section ``Examples'' in screen(HW) to help programmers use the ioctl(S) calls documented here.

Control modes

Multiscreens can be reassigned to different adapters (in multi-adapter systems) with these ioctls :

Selects the regular color display as the output device for the multiscreen.

Selects the enhanced color display as the output device for the multiscreen.

Selects the monochrome display as the output device for the multiscreen.

Selects the video graphics array color display as the output device for the multiscreen.
To find out which display adapter type is currently attached to the multiscreen, you can use ioctl with the following request:

Returns the display adapter type currently associated with the multiscreen. The return value can be one of: MONO, CGA, EGA, or VGA.

Changing the VGA color map

These ioctls can be used to examine and change the color map for VGA color displays. The color map is held in the video dac registers as a 192-byte array. The elements of the array are arranged in groups of three representing the red, green, and blue intensities respectively for each of the 64 color map entries (numbered 0 to 63). The intensity of each color is encoded by values in the range 0 (minimum) to 255 (maximum intensity).

For example, the red, green, and blue intensities for the nth color map entry are represented by the values of the array members n*3, n*3+1, and n*3+2 respectively.

The argument arg to ioctl should point to an array of 192 unsigned characters. This array may be used to read the existing color map, or to set a new color map.

Read the existing color map entries into the array pointed to by arg.

Set new color map entries read from the array pointed to by arg.

Display modes

The following ioctls can be used to change the video display mode:

Selects 80x25 black and white text display mode. (MONO, CGA, EGA, VGA)

Selects 80x25 color text display mode. (CGA, EGA, VGA)

Selects 40x25 black and white text display mode. (MONO, CGA, EGA, VGA)

Selects 40x25 color text display mode. (CGA, EGA, VGA)

Selects 320x200 black and white graphics display mode. (CGA, EGA, VGA)

Selects 320x200 color graphics display mode. (CGA, EGA, VGA)

Selects 640x200 black and white graphics display mode. (CGA, EGA, VGA)

Selects EGA (Enhanced Graphics Adapter) mode 7 -- emulates support provided by the monochrome display. (EGA, VGA)

Selects EGA support for 640x350 graphics display mode (EGA mode F, EGA with mono monitor)

Selects EGA mode F*. (EGA with mono monitor)

Selects enhanced EGA support for 40x25 black and white text display mode. (EGA, VGA)

Selects enhanced EGA support for the 40x25 color text display mode. (EGA, VGA)

Selects enhanced EGA support for 80x25 black and white text display mode. (EGA, VGA)

Selects enhanced EGA support for 80x25 color text display mode. (EGA, VGA)

Selects enhanced EGA support for 80x43 black and white text display mode. (EGA, VGA)

Selects enhanced EGA support for 80x43 color text display mode. (EGA, VGA)

Selects EGA support for 320x200 graphics display mode (EGA mode D). (EGA, VGA)

Selects EGA support for 640x200 graphics display mode (EGA mode E). (EGA, VGA)

Selects EGA support for 640x350 graphics display mode (EGA mode 10). (EGA, VGA)

Selects EGA mode 10*. (EGA, VGA)

Reinitializes the monochrome adapter. (MONO)

Selects VGA support for the 40x25 color text display mode (VGA mode 1+).

Selects VGA support for the 80x25 black and white text display mode (VGA mode 2+).

Selects VGA mode 7+ -- emulates support provided by the monochrome display. (VGA with mono monitor)

Selects VGA support for the 640x480 graphics display mode (VGA mode 11).

Selects VGA support for the 640x480 graphics display mode (VGA mode 12).

Selects VGA support for the 320x200 graphics display mode (VGA mode 13).
Switching to an invalid display mode for a display device will result in an error.

Getting display modes

The following ioctl requests are provided to obtain information about the current display modes:

Returns the current display mode setting for current display adapter. (All)

Returns the current display mode setting of the color graphics adapter. (CGA only)

Returns the current display mode setting of the enhanced graphics adapter. (EGA only)

Returns the current display mode setting of the monochrome adapter. (MONO only)

Returns the current display mode of the video graphics adapters. (VGA only)

Returns structure vid_info. Size of structure (first field) must be filled in by user.
struct vid_info
  short  size;           /* must be first field          */
  short  m_num;          /* multiscreen number, 0 based  */
  ushort mv_row, mv_col; /* cursor position              */
  ushort mv_rsz, mv_csz; /* text screen size             */
  struct colors mv_norm, /* normal attributes            */
                mv_rev,  /* reverse video attributes     */
                mv_grfc; /* graphic character attributes */
  uchar_t mv_ovscan;     /* border color                 */
  uchar_t mk_keylock;    /* caps/num/scroll lock         */

Returns structure m6845_info. Size of structure (first field) must be filled in by user.
struct m6845_info
  short   size;          /* must be first field        */
  ushort  screen_top;    /* offset of screen in video  */
  ushort  cursor_type;   /* cursor shape               */

Returns the number of the current multiscreen displayed on the adapter specified by the value of the argument arg to ioctl. Possible adapter types are MONO, CGA, PGA, EGA, and VGA (defined in /usr/include/sys/comcrt.h). If no match is found, ioctl returns -1 and errno is set to ENXIO.

Return value of ioctl is 6845-style attribute byte in effect.

Return value of ioctl is 0 or 2 depending on whether the device supports color.

Gets the 256-byte screen map table, which is the mapping of ASCII values (0-255) onto the PC video ROM font characters (0-255). Note that control characters (ASCII values less than hex 20) have control functions and do not display ROM characters (for example, ^J is newline).

This is often used to map the low font values that normally correspond to ASCII control values to higher ASCII values, thus displaying the desired ROM characters.

Puts the 256-byte screen map table (see GIO_SCRNMAP).

See keyboard(HW).

Gets font, where n is 8, 14, and 16. Argument is a pointer to a font table. Size of 8x8 font table is 8X256 bytes, 8x14 is 14X256 bytes, etc.

Puts font, where n is 8, 14, and 16. Argument is a pointer to a font table. Size of 8x8 font table is 8X256 bytes, 8x14 is 14X256 bytes, etc.

Memory mapping modes

The ioctl routine is used to map the display memory of the various devices into the user's data space.

Note that the MAP* ioctls map the memory associated with the current mode. You must put the adapter into the desired mode before performing mapping, or the pointers returned will not be appropriate. Refer to your hardware manual for details on various displays, adapters, and controllers.

These ioctl requests can be used to map the display memory:

Maps the color adapter's display memory into the user's data space. (CGA only)

Maps the display memory of the adapter currently being used into the user's data space. (All)

Maps the enhanced graphics adapter's display memory into the user's data space. (EGA only)

Maps the monochrome adapter's display memory into the user's data space. (MONO only)

Maps the video graphics adapter's display memory into the user's data space. (VGA only)
For example, the following code can be used to acquire a pointer to the start of the user data space associated with the color graphics adapter display memory:
   char *dp;
   int retval;
   /* fd is a file descriptor for a multiscreen device */
   retval = ioctl (fd, MAPCONS,0L);
   dp = (char *) retval;
Note that when the display memory is mapped into the user space, the adapter's m6845 start address registers are not set. The start address can be reset in two ways, so that the start address of the display memory corresponds to the upper left-hand corner of the screen:

  1. Switch modes with an ioctl. (The ``switch'' can be to the present mode.) See the ``Display modes'' section of this manual page.

  2. Change the start address high and low addresses with the in-on-port/out-on-port ioctl.
The in-on-port/out-on-port ioctl can also be used to determine the current value in the start address register, and then set up a pointer to the offset in the mapped-in data space.

Package ioctl that gives I/O privileges to an arbitrary list of ports and maps an arbitrary frame buffer into the user's address space identified by a string found in the struct vidclass vidclasslist[]. For example:
char *
ioctl(fd, MAP_CLASS, video_class_name)
char *video_class_name;
This returns a pointer to the frame buffer. See /etc/conf/pack.d/cn/class.h for descriptions of the existing classes. Note that the link kit must be installed in order to find this file. (The class.h file is normally generated by mkdev graphics.)

These add the list of I/O ports found on standard EGA and VGA cards into the process' TSS I/O permission bitmap. This allows the process to access the EGA I/O ports directly from user space with 386 IN and OUT instructions. (See sample code under ``Examples''.) I/O instructions executed in this manner are slower than I/O instructions executed when the I/O privilege level is raised to 3 (see instruction timings in Intel's 80386 Programmer's Reference Manual).

A process' I/O privilege level can be set, allowing for the faster execution of I/O instructions with the sysi86(S) subfunction V86SC_IOPL:

sysi86 (SI86V86, V86SC_IOPL, 0x3000)

This sets the I/O privilege to 3 as described above. Only the superuser can do this.

This call returns display information to the user. The argument expected is the buffer address of a structure of type kd_disparam into which display information is returned to the user. The kd_disparam structure is defined as follows:
struct kd_disparam
          long type;    /* display type */
          char *addr;   /* display memory address */
Possible values for the type field include:

KD_MONO for the IBM monochrome display adapter
KD_HERCULES for the Hercules monochrome graphics adapter
KD_CGA for the IBM color graphics adapter
KD_EGA for the IBM enhanced graphics adapter
KD_VGA for the IBM video graphics adapter

Returns struct kd_dispinfo, which contains adapter type and physical address of frame buffer, as follows:
struct kd_dispinfo{
	char *vaddr;          /* memory address */
	paddr_t physaddr;     /* memory address */
	unsigned long size;   /* memory size */

Starts sound generation. Turns on sound. The arg is the period of the bell tone in units of 840.3 nanoseconds. A value of 0 turns off the sound. This is useful for generating tones while in graphics mode.

Gets keyboard LED status. The argument is a pointer to a character. The character will be filled with a Boolean combination of the following values:

0x10 Caps lock and Scroll lock are on
0x11 Scroll lock and Num lock are on
0x04 Scroll lock is on
0x02 Num lock is on
0x01 Caps lock is on

Sets keyboard LED status. The argument is a character whose value is the Boolean combination of the values listed under ``KDGETLED''.

(See KIOCSOUND.) The argument is a 32-bit value, with the lower 16 bits set to the frequency and the upper 16 bits set to the duration (in milliseconds).

Sets console in text or graphics mode. The argument is of type integer, which should contain one of the following values:

KD_TEXT (sets console to text mode)
KD_GRAPHICS (sets console in graphics mode)

Note, the user is responsible for programming the color/graphics adapter registers for the appropriate graphical state.

Gets current mode of console. Returns integer argument containing either KD_TEXT or KD_GRAPHICS as defined in the KDSETMODE ioctl description.

Enable in's and out's to video adapter ports. No argument.

Disable in's and out's to video adapter ports. No argument.

Always returns 0.

Always returns 0x6B64.

Sets the virtual terminal mode. The argument is a pointer to a vt_mode structure.

Determines what mode the active virtual terminal is currently in, either VT_AUTO or VT_PROCESS. The argument to the ioctl is the address of the following type of structure:
struct vt_mode {
   char   mode;   /* VT mode */
   char   waitv;  /* if !=0, vt hangs on writes when
                     not active */
   short  relsig; /* signal to use for release request */
   short  acqsig; /* signal to use for display acquired */
   short  frsig;  /* signal to use for forced release */

#define VT_AUTO 0x00 /* automatic VT switching */ #define VT_PROCESS 0x01 /* process controls switching */

The vt_mode structure will be filled in with the current value for each field.

Tells the virtual terminal manager whether the display has been released by the process.

0 release refused
1 release acknowledged
2 acquire acknowledged

Makes the multiscreen number specified in the argument the active multiscreen. The video driver will cause a switch to occur in the same manner as if a hotkey sequence had been typed at the keyboard. If the specified multiscreen is not open or does not exist, the call will fail and errno will be set to EINVAL.

Graphics adapter port I/O

You can use ioctl to read or write a byte from or to the graphics adapter port. The arg parameter of the ioctl call uses the port_io_arg data structure:
   struct port_io_arg {
   	struct port_io_struct args[4];
As shown above, the port_io_arg structure points to an array of four port_io_struct data structures. The port_io_struct structure has the following format:
   struct port_io_struct {
           char dir;    /* direction flag (in vs. out) */
           unsigned short port;   /* port address */
           char data;   /* byte of data */
You may specify one, two, three, or four of the port_io_struct structures in the array for one ioctl call. The value of dir can be either IN_ON_PORT to specify a byte being input to the graphics adapter port or OUT_ON_PORT to specify a byte being output to the graphics adapter port. port is an integer specifying the port address of the desired graphics adapter port. data is the byte of data being input or output as specified by the call.

If you are not using any of the port_io_struct structures, load the port with 0, and leave the unused structures at the end of the array. Refer to hardware manuals for port addresses and functions for the various adapters.

You can use the following ioctl commands to input or output a byte on the graphics adapter port:

Inputs or outputs a byte on the current graphics adapter port as specified. (All)

Inputs or outputs a byte on the monochrome adapter port as specified. (MONO only)

Inputs or outputs a byte on the color graphics adapter port as specified. (CGA only)

Inputs or outputs a byte on the enhanced graphics adapter port as specified. (EGA only)

Inputs or outputs a byte on the video graphics array adapter port as specified. (VGA only)
To input a byte on any of the graphics adapter ports, load dir with IN_ON_PORT and load port with the port address of the graphics adapter. The byte input from the graphics adapter port will be returned in data.

To output a byte, load dir with OUT_ON_PORT, load port with the port address of the graphics adapter, and load data with the byte you want output to the graphics adapter port.

Function keys

ioctl can be used to define or obtain the current definition of a function key. The arg parameter of the ioctl call uses the fkeyarg data structure:
   struct fkeyarg {
      unsigned short keynum;
      char keydef [MAXFK];
      char flen;
You can use the following ioctl(S) request to assign function key definitions:

Toggles the <Caps Lock> and <Num Lock> keys to be either global to all the multiscreens, or local to each individual multiscreen. To make the <Caps Lock> global (its default), set the arg parameter to 1. To make the <Caps Lock> local to each screen, set the arg parameter to 0.

See the scancode(HW) manual page for more function key ioctls.

SCOANSI terminal emulation

The SCO OpenServer console driver supports character sequences that form a superset of the ANSI X3.64-1979 standard. The full set of sequences described here defines the terminal type known in the termcap(F) and terminfo(M) databases as ``scoansi''.

The definition of ``scoansi'' changed with SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.6. Earlier versions of SCO OpenServer supported most (but not all) of the sequences described here. Most applications should experience no problems with the new functionality, but a backward compatibility mode is available for applications that rely on the previous behavior.

To enable backwards compatibility mode, run mkdev scoansi and select the option to use the new in-kernel scoansi emulator. You are then asked to relink the kernel and reboot the system. See mkdev(ADM) for details.

NOTE: It is possible to update the console driver on earlier releases of SCO OpenServer. See the Support Services Web Pages for details, or contact your support representative.

SCOANSI screen attribute sequences

With the exception of special ASCII control characters, each sequence begins with the ASCII ESC character (0x1b). The characters that follow the ESC character define the command. For many of the sequences, this takes the form ESC [ p1 ; p2 C, where ``p1'' and ``p2'' are parameters to the sequence, and ``C'' is the sequence terminator, which defines the action to be taken. The sequence ``ESC ['' is known as the ``control sequence initiator'', abbreviated as CSI. SCO OpenServer specific escape sequences begin with the sequence ``ESC [ ='', abbreviated here as CSIS.

The console driver accepts both 7-bit CSI sequences and 8-bit sequences. The 8-bit CSI sequence collapses ``ESC ['' into a single 8-bit character, 0x9b. Thus, ``ESC [ 2 J'' (0x1b-0x5b-0x32-0x4a) and ``CSI 2 J'' (0x9b-0x32-0x4a) are equivalent.

In all of the sequences described here, if an argument is expected but omitted, a default value of 1 is implied. For example, ``CSI 1 B'' and ``CSI B'' are equivalent. Where this is not the case, it is highlighted and described in the text.

Beginning with SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.6 (or earlier versions if you have an updated console driver), the console driver now supports what is known as a scrolling region, a virtual screen defined by the CSR control sequence. Any lines outside the defined margins are not subject to scrolling, and under normal circumstances you cannot move the cursor outside of the scrolling region. In effect, this reduces the addressable size of the display (even though the physical screen may still be at 80 columns and 25 rows). All cursor addressing sequences and scrolling is limited to the defined region. In this way, a scrolling region is no different from a window that occupies the full screen. However, certain control sequences deal with absolute cursor position and thus can violate the boundaries of the scrolling region. Care must be taken when using these absolute position control sequences to avoid unexpected results.


A ``scoansi'' terminal can display characters using a variety of attributes. Understanding how and when attributes are used is important in understanding the semantics of the various control sequences. At all times, ``scoansi'' has a ``current attribute'' set. By default, this attribute is gray text on a black background. It is possible to modify an attribute by enabling one or more ``attribute modes''. These modes include reverse video text (that is, black text on a grey background), bold text (white text instead of grey) and, on certain display adapters, italic or underlined text.

The attributes and modes used to display characters on the screen are known as the graphics rendition, and can be controlled by the SGR (``set graphics rendition'') sequence described later. A set of SCO OpenServer specific control sequences can be used to control individuals portions of the graphics rendition. See -1 for details.

``scoansi'' always uses four sets of graphics attributes: current, normal, reverse and graphics. The current attribute is the attribute that is used when the screen is cleared, when new lines are introduced as a result of scrolling the screen, or when new characters are drawn on the screen. The normal attribute is the fallback attribute that is used when no attribute modifiers are active. The reverse attribute is used when reverse video mode is active, and the graphics attribute is used when a graphics (or linedraw) character neeeds to be displayed. It is possible, although uncommon, for all of these attributes to be completely different. For example, it is possible for the normal attribute to be grey text on a black background, for graphics characters to be displayed with a bright magenta foreground on a blue background, and for characters in reverse vide to be displayed as yellow text on a cyan background.

When you use the SGR or SCO OpenServer specific escape sequences to change attributes, you affect one or more of the attribute values. For example, setting the foreground color to red using the SGR sequence sets the normal and graphics foreground colors to red, and the reverse video background to red. Using the SCO OpenServer specific escape sequences, you can set just the normal and graphics foreground color without affecting the background color of the reverse video attribute. Once the color has been set, ``scoansi'' selects the appropriate attribute value (either normal, reverse or graphics, depending on the attribute modifiers and the character to be drawn) and makes that the current attribute. This attribute is then used for drawing new characters and when the screen is scrolled or a line or character is cleared.

It is possible to change the attributes that are used when new lines are created by a scroll, and the attributes used when characters are erased for any reason. The default behavior is to use the current attribute. However, it is possible to set a special terminal mode that will force the normal attribute to be used. See -1 for details.

Attributes are treated subtly differently if you enable backwards compatibility mode. This mode handles attributes (and other semantics) as the console driver did prior to SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.6. Where such differences exist, they are described for the graphics rendition that is affected. To understand how these attributes are used, print the various escape sequences out and study the visual effect that they have.

Display Fonts

The ``font'' in which characters are displayed can be controlled by the SGR control sequence. Please note that the term ``font'' as used here does not imply a different shape of character as you would find in a word processor. Rather, the term ``font'' is used as defined in ANSI X3.64-1979, and defines what portion of the PC ROM BIOS character set can be displayed. ``scoansi'' supports 4 fonts, numbered 0 through 3. Font 0 is the normal font. When using it, lower ASCII characters (characters less than 0x20) are obeyed as described in ``ASCII Control Sequences''. None of the actual ROM BIOS glyphs for these lower ASCII values are displayed.

Font 1 can be used to display the actual glyphs as defined by the PC ROM BIOS. This font is used to display the so-called ``graphics'' characters, or linedraw characters. All characters are displayed without interpretation.

Font 2 is used to display ROM BIOS characters as well, but with slightly different rules. This font was invented in order to be able to display upper ASCII characters (8-bit ASCII characters, or characters above 0x7f). When using this font, all of the lower ASCII characters will have their glyphs displayed. For all other characters, if the high bit of the character is set, this font will unset it and then display the resulting glyph. If, however, the high bit is not set, the this font will set it and display the resulting glyph.

Font 3 is similar to font 2, except that the lower ASCII characters are processed as they are in font 0 (that is, they follow the semantics described for ``ASCII Control Sequences''). Any other character is displayed as in font 2. In other words, any character that has its high bit set will have it unset by this font and the resulting glyph displayed, and any input character that does not have its high bit set will have it set by the font, and the resulting glyph displayed.

For example, suppose that the character that was sent to the console was the character ``D''. In font 0, it would appear exactly like that, as a ``D''. The same applies in font 1. In fonts 2 and 3 however, since the character does not have its high bit set, the font will set it and then display the resulting glyph. Thus, the character 0x44 is now displayed as 0xc4, which is the character used to draw a single horizontal line.

If the character sent to the console was the actual character 0xc4, then in both fonts 0 and 1, it would appear as the horizontal line draw character. However, in fonts 2 and 3, because its high bit is set, the font will remove it and then display the resulting glyph, which is the character ``D''.

ASCII Control Sequences

The following table lists all of the ASCII control sequences which the console driver will obey. All other lower ASCII characters are ignored, unless a suitable font is selected, in which case the corresponding glyph is displayed.

Name Sequence Termcap Terminfo
NL (Newline)
Moves the cursor down one line. Does not change the cursor's horizontal position. If this would cause the cursor to move beyond the bottom margin, the region will scroll upwards.
0x0a n/a n/a
CR (Carriage Return)
Moves the cursor to the left margin.
0x0d cr cr
BS (Backspace)
Moves the cursor backwards one position, non-destructively. Will not move backwards beyond the left margin.
0x07 n/a n/a

 Name                                    Sequence   Termcap   Terminfo
 NL (Newline)                            0x0a       n/a       n/a
 Moves the cursor down one line. Does
 not change the cursor's horizontal
 position. If this would cause the
 cursor to move beyond the bottom
 margin, the region will scroll
 CR (Carriage Return)                    0x0d       cr        cr
 Moves the cursor to the left margin.
 BS (Backspace)                          0x07       n/a       n/a
 Moves the cursor backwards one
 position, non-destructively. Will not
 move backwards beyond the left

HT (Horizontal Tab)
Moves the cursor forwards to the next tab stop. Initially, tab stops are set 8 characters apart, although it is possible to change the tab stops beyond the right margin, and will not cause a scroll. However, if backwards compatibility mode is on (see below), then an attempt to tab beyond the right margin will cause the screen to scroll, and leave the cursor at the left margin.
0x09 ta ht
BEL (Bell) Sounds the bell. The frequency and duration of the bell can be set by an SCO OpenServer specific escape sequence. See -1 for details. 0x07 bl bel
FF (Form Feed)
Clears the region and moves the cursor to the top and left margin. If the scrolling region is active, this sequence will still erase the entire screen. If the scrolling window is active, it will only erase the contents of the window. If backwards compatibility mode is on, the cursor will always be left at the top left corner of the screen. In the default mode, the cursor will be left at the top left of the region.
0x0c ff ff

 HT (Horizontal Tab)                     0x09   ta   ht
 Moves the cursor forwards to the next
 tab stop. Initially, tab stops are
 set 8 characters apart, although it
 is possible to change the tab stops
 beyond the right margin, and will not
 cause a scroll. However, if backwards
 compatibility mode is on (see below),
 then an attempt to tab beyond the
 right margin will cause the screen to
 scroll, and leave the cursor at the
 left margin.
 BEL (Bell) Sounds the bell.  The        0x07   bl   bel
 frequency and duration of the bell
 can be set by an SCO OpenServer
 specific escape sequence. See -1 for
 FF (Form Feed)                          0x0c   ff   ff
 Clears the region and moves the
 cursor to the top and left margin. If
 the scrolling region is active, this
 sequence will still erase the entire
 screen. If the scrolling window is
 active, it will only erase the
 contents of the window. If backwards
 compatibility mode is on, the cursor
 will always be left at the top left
 corner of the screen. In the default
 mode, the cursor will be left at the
 top left of the region.

ANSI screen control sequences

This set of sequences is largely defined by ANSI X3.64-1979, with some extensions. The semantics of some of these sequences differs if backwards compatibility mode is selected. In the description of the sequences, the text ``p1'', ``p2'' ... ``p9'' is used to describe positional parameters. The console driver will accept a maximum of 9 parameters for any control sequence, although most sequences only use one or two parameters.

Name Sequence Termcap Terminfo
CUU (CUrsor Up)
Moves the cursor up p1 lines. Will never cause text to scroll, and the cursor will not move above the top margin.
CSI p1 A UP cuu
CUD (CUrsor Down)
Moves the cursor down p1 lines. Will never cause text to scroll, and the cursor will not move below the bottom margin.
CSI p1 B DO cud
CUF (CUrsor Forward)
Moves the cursor right p1 columns. Will not scroll text, and will not move beyond the right margin. Will not cause the cursor to wrap around to the next line (i.e there is no vertical motion).
CSI p1 C RI cuf

 Name                                    Sequence   Termcap   Terminfo
 CUU (CUrsor Up)                         CSI p1 A   UP        cuu
 Moves the cursor up p1 lines. Will
 never cause text to scroll, and the
 cursor will not move above the top
 CUD (CUrsor Down)                       CSI p1 B   DO        cud
 Moves the cursor down p1 lines. Will
 never cause text to scroll, and the
 cursor will not move below the bottom
 CUF (CUrsor Forward)                    CSI p1 C   RI        cuf
 Moves the cursor right p1 columns.
 Will not scroll text, and will not
 move beyond the right margin. Will
 not cause the cursor to wrap around
 to the next line (i.e there is no
 vertical motion).

CUB (CUrsor Backward)
Moves the cursor left p1 columns. Will not scroll text or move beyond the left margin. Will not cause the cursor to wrap up to the previous line (meaning there is no vertical motion).
CSI p1 D LE cub
CNL (Cursor to Next Line)
Moves the cursor to the left margin, p1 lines down. Will not scroll text or allow the cursor to move below the bottom margin.
CSI p1 E n/a n/a
CPL (Cursor to Previous Line)
Move the cursor to the left margin, p1 lines up. Will not scroll text or allow the cursor to move above the top margin.
CSI p1 F n/a n/a

 CUB (CUrsor Backward)                   CSI p1 D   LE    cub
 Moves the cursor left p1 columns.
 Will not scroll text or move beyond
 the left margin. Will not cause the
 cursor to wrap up to the previous
 line (meaning there is no vertical
 CNL (Cursor to Next Line)               CSI p1 E   n/a   n/a
 Moves the cursor to the left margin,
 p1 lines down. Will not scroll text
 or allow the cursor to move below the
 bottom margin.
 CPL (Cursor to Previous Line)           CSI p1 F   n/a   n/a
 Move the cursor to the left margin,
 p1 lines up.  Will not scroll text or
 allow the cursor to move above the
 top margin.

HPA (Horizontal Position Absolute)
Move the cursor to column p1. This is the only way to move the cursor outside of the scrolling region if one has been defined. This command is bound only by the screen size.
CSI p1 G ch hpa
CUP (CUrsor Position)
Move the cursor to row p1, column p2. p1 and p2 are relative to the top left hand corner of the screen, unless a scrolling region is defined, in which case they are relative to the top left corner of the active region. Note that the addressing is row and column, which is the exact inverse of cartesian addressing (X,Y). If a scrolling region is active and cursor motion is bound by the region (see below on how to set this mode), then this sequence will move the cursor relative to the top left of the region, not the screen.
CSI p1;p2 H cm cup
CFT (Cursor Forward Tab)
Move the cursor forward to the column p1 tab stops away. See -1 for semantic details.
CSI p1 I ta ht
ED (Erase in Display)
Erases all or part of the active region. p1 indicates how much of the region to erase. p1=0 means erase from the current cursor position to the end. p1=1 means erase from the beginning of the active region to the current cursor position, inclusive. p1=2 means erase the entire region. If a scrolling region is active, this command still works across the entire screen boundary. If a scrolling region is active, it only works within the window.
CSI p1 J cd ed
EL (Erase in Line)
Erases all or part of a line. p1 indicates how much of the line to erase. p1=0 means erase from the current cursor position to the the right margin). p1=1 means erase from the left margin to the current cursor position, inclusive. p1=2 means erase from the left to the right margins, inclusive.
CSI p1 K ce el
IL (Insert Line)
Insert p1 blank lines below the current cursor position. If the scrolling region is active and the cursor is outside of the bounds of the active region, no action is taken and this sequence is ignored. Introduces blank lines at the cursor point.
CSI p1 L AL il
DL (Delete Lines)
Delete p1 lines at the current cursor position. If the scrolling region is active and the cursor is outside of the bounds of the active region, then no action is takes and this sequence is ignored. Causes blank lines to be introduced at the bottom of the region.
CSI p1 M DL dl
DCH (Delete CHaracters)
Deletes p1 characters at the current cursor position. If the scrolling region is defined, this command will still erase characters. However, if the scrolling region is active and the cursor is out of bounds, then the command is ignored. Introduces blank characters at the right margin, and causes characters to shift to the left.
CSI p1 P DC dch
DL (Delete Lines)
An alternate form of CSI p1 M, described above.
CSI p1 R DL dl
SU (Scroll Up)
Causes the active region to scroll upward p1 lines. In backwards compatibility mode, always scroll the entire screen. Introduces blank lines at the bottom margin. This instruction is always executed regardless of where the cursor position is.
CSI p1 S SF indn
SD (Scroll Down)
Causes the active region to scroll upward p1 lines. In backwards compatibility mode, always scroll the entire screen. Introduces blank lines at the top margin. This instruction is always executed regardless of where the cursor position is.
CSI p1 T SR rin

 HPA (Horizontal Position Absolute)      CSI p1 G      ch   hpa
 Move the cursor to column p1. This is
 the only way to move the cursor
 outside of the scrolling region if
 one has been defined. This command is
 bound only by the screen size.
 CUP (CUrsor Position)                   CSI p1;p2 H   cm   cup
 Move the cursor to row p1, column p2.
 p1 and p2 are relative to the top
 left hand corner of the screen,
 unless a scrolling region is defined,
 in which case they are relative to
 the top left corner of the active
 region.  Note that the addressing is
 row and column, which is the exact
 inverse of cartesian addressing
 (X,Y). If a scrolling region is
 active and cursor motion is bound by
 the region (see below on how to set
 this mode), then this sequence will
 move the cursor relative to the top
 left of the region, not the screen.
 CFT (Cursor Forward Tab)                CSI p1 I      ta   ht
 Move the cursor forward to the column
 p1 tab stops away. See -1 for
 semantic details.
 ED (Erase in Display)                   CSI p1 J      cd   ed
 Erases all or part of the active
 region. p1 indicates how much of the
 region to erase. p1=0 means erase
 from the current cursor position to
 the end.  p1=1 means erase from the
 beginning of the active region to the
 current cursor position, inclusive.
 p1=2 means erase the entire region.
 If a scrolling region is active, this
 command still works across the entire
 screen boundary. If a scrolling
 region is active, it only works
 within the window.
 EL (Erase in Line)                      CSI p1 K      ce   el
 Erases all or part of a line. p1
 indicates how much of the line to
 erase. p1=0 means erase from the
 current cursor position to the the
 right margin). p1=1 means erase from
 the left margin to the current cursor
 position, inclusive. p1=2 means erase
 from the left to the right margins,
 IL (Insert Line)                        CSI p1 L      AL   il
 Insert p1 blank lines below the
 current cursor position. If the
 scrolling region is active and the
 cursor is outside of the bounds of
 the active region, no action is taken
 and this sequence is ignored.
 Introduces blank lines at the cursor
 DL (Delete Lines)                       CSI p1 M      DL   dl
 Delete p1 lines at the current cursor
 position. If the scrolling region is
 active and the cursor is outside of
 the bounds of the active region, then
 no action is takes and this sequence
 is ignored. Causes blank lines to be
 introduced at the bottom of the
 DCH (Delete CHaracters)                 CSI p1 P      DC   dch
 Deletes p1 characters at the current
 cursor position. If the scrolling
 region is defined, this command will
 still erase characters. However, if
 the scrolling region is active and
 the cursor is out of bounds, then the
 command is ignored. Introduces blank
 characters at the right margin, and
 causes characters to shift to the
 DL (Delete Lines)                       CSI p1 R      DL   dl
 An alternate form of CSI p1 M,
 described above.
 SU (Scroll Up)                          CSI p1 S      SF   indn
 Causes the active region to scroll
 upward p1 lines. In backwards
 compatibility mode, always scroll the
 entire screen. Introduces blank lines
 at the bottom margin. This
 instruction is always executed
 regardless of where the cursor
 position is.
 SD (Scroll Down)                        CSI p1 T      SR   rin
 Causes the active region to scroll
 upward p1 lines. In backwards
 compatibility mode, always scroll the
 entire screen. Introduces blank lines
 at the top margin. This instruction
 is always executed regardless of
 where the cursor position is.

RIS (Reset Initial Screen)
Fully reset the emulator state. This will clear all margins (that is, remove any scrolling region), move the cursor to the top left corner of the screen (the ``home'' position), turn off any attribute modes such as bold, reverse, blink, underline etc, set the display font to font 0, set the current attribute to the defined normal attribute, clear the screen, and reset all TAB stops to be 8 spaces apart. Alternate control sequences defined below have the same effect.
CSI U n/a n/a
ER (Erase in Region)
If the scrolling region is active, erase all or part of the region. p1 indicates how much of the region to erase. p1=0 erases from the current cursor position to the end of the region, inclusive. p1=1 erases from the start of the region to the current cursor position, inclusive. p1=2 erases the entire region. If the cursor is out of bounds, the command is ignored.
CSI p1 V n/a n/a
ECH (Erase CHaracters)
Erases p1 characters from the cursor position towards the right margin. Will not erase characters beyond the right margin.
CSI p1 X ec ech
CBT (Cursor Backwards Tabulation)
Moves the cursor backwards p1 tab stops. Will never move beyond the left margin, and never wraps.
CSI p1 Z bt cbt
HPR (Horizontal Position Relative)
A synonym for CUF, described above.
CSI p1 a RI cuf
RCH (Repeat Character)
Repeat character p1 p2 times. This is achieved as if a stream of characters p2 in length, all consisting of character p1 has been sent to the console. The same rules as apply for normal character scrolling and attribute values apply.
CSI p1;p2 b rp rep
VPA (Vertical Position Absolute)
Sets the cursor to row p1. This sequence ignores the scrolling region and is the only way to move the cursor out of bounds (limited only by the screen size).
CSI p1 d cv vpa
VPR (Vertical Position Relative)
A synonym for CUD, described above.
CSI p1 e DO cud
HVP (Horizontal and Vertical Position Absolute)
Sets the cursor to the absolute column p1 and absolute row p2, ignoring the scrolling region and scrolling region. This is one of the only ways to move the cursor outside of the bounds of the scrolling region. The only bounds to this function are the screen size.
CSI p1;p2 f n/a n/a
DGC (Display Graphics Character)
If iBCS2 mode is not active, display the character p1 as a PC ROM BIOS glyph. If iBCS2 mode is active, then this command clears tab stops. In this mode, p1=0 clears the tab under the cursor position, and p1=3 clears all tabs. See the description of CAT below for a description of how the cursor behaves when no TAB stops are set.
CSI p1 g n/a n/a
SM (Set Mode) CSI p1 h n/a n/a
RM (Reset Mode)
Sets or resets various terminal modes. p1 indicates which mode to set (or reset) according to the following table:
CSI p1 l n/a n/a

 RIS (Reset Initial Screen)              CSI U         n/a   n/a
 Fully reset the emulator state. This
 will clear all margins (that is,
 remove any scrolling region), move
 the cursor to the top left corner of
 the screen (the ``home'' position),
 turn off any attribute modes such as
 bold, reverse, blink, underline etc,
 set the display font to font 0, set
 the current attribute to the defined
 normal attribute, clear the screen,
 and reset all TAB stops to be 8
 spaces apart. Alternate control
 sequences defined below have the same
 ER (Erase in Region)                    CSI p1 V      n/a   n/a
 If the scrolling region is active,
 erase all or part of the region. p1
 indicates how much of the region to
 erase. p1=0 erases from the current
 cursor position to the end of the
 region, inclusive. p1=1 erases from
 the start of the region to the
 current cursor position, inclusive.
 p1=2 erases the entire region.  If
 the cursor is out of bounds, the
 command is ignored.
 ECH (Erase CHaracters)                  CSI p1 X      ec    ech
 Erases p1 characters from the cursor
 position towards the right margin.
 Will not erase characters beyond the
 right margin.
 CBT (Cursor Backwards Tabulation)       CSI p1 Z      bt    cbt
 Moves the cursor backwards p1 tab
 stops. Will never move beyond the
 left margin, and never wraps.
 HPR (Horizontal Position Relative)      CSI p1 a      RI    cuf
 A synonym for CUF, described above.
 RCH (Repeat Character)                  CSI p1;p2 b   rp    rep
 Repeat character p1 p2 times. This is
 achieved as if a stream of characters
 p2 in length, all consisting of
 character p1 has been sent to the
 console. The same rules as apply for
 normal character scrolling and
 attribute values apply.
 VPA (Vertical Position Absolute)        CSI p1 d      cv    vpa
 Sets the cursor to row p1. This
 sequence ignores the scrolling region
 and is the only way to move the
 cursor out of bounds (limited only by
 the screen size).
 VPR (Vertical Position Relative)        CSI p1 e      DO    cud
 A synonym for CUD, described above.
 HVP (Horizontal and Vertical Position   CSI p1;p2 f   n/a   n/a
 Sets the cursor to the absolute
 column p1 and absolute row p2,
 ignoring the scrolling region and
 scrolling region. This is one of the
 only ways to move the cursor outside
 of the bounds of the scrolling
 region. The only bounds to this
 function are the screen size.
 DGC (Display Graphics Character)        CSI p1 g      n/a   n/a
 If iBCS2 mode is not active, display
 the character p1 as a PC ROM BIOS
 glyph. If iBCS2 mode is active, then
 this command clears tab stops. In
 this mode, p1=0 clears the tab under
 the cursor position, and p1=3 clears
 all tabs. See the description of CAT
 below for a description of how the
 cursor behaves when no TAB stops are
 SM (Set Mode)                           CSI p1 h      n/a   n/a
 RM (Reset Mode)                         CSI p1 l      n/a   n/a
 Sets or resets various terminal
 modes. p1 indicates which mode to set
 (or reset) according to the following

Value Meaning
2 Lock/unlock the keyboard. When the keyboard is locked, it is not possible to enter ANY key strokes, not even a multiscreen switch. This is a dangerous mode to set, as it can cause the console to freeze, giving the impression that the keyboard is hung. Take care when setting this mode.
3 Set 132-column mode. This is currently ignored and will only be available in future versions of scoansi.
4 Enable / disable jump-scroll mode. This has no meaning on the console, but other scoansi compliant applications such as scoterm or TERMVision may change the way in which text is scrolled.
6 Forces cursor motion to be relative to the top left corner. This is ignored if backwards compatibility mode is enabled. In the default mode, all relative cursor motion commands will be unbound. Thus causes commands like CUP to move the cursor relative to the top left corner of the region.
7 Disable or enable automatic margins. Please note that this is the inverse of what you would expect. CSI 7 h will reset automatic margins, and CSI 7 l will set them. When automatic margins are disabled, characters printing at the right margin will simply start overwriting the last character. When automatic margins are set (the default), inserting a character at the right margin causes the cursor to wrap to the next line, scrolling the active region if necessary.
25 Enable or disable the cursor. When you re-enable the cursor, it will return to its previous shape.
30 Scrollbars on or off. Ignored on the console. Used only by scoterm and other GUI-based scoansi emulators.
44 Enable or disable margin bell. This is ignored on the console, but in scoterm and other GUI emulators, causes the bell to ring when you approach the right margin.
48 Enable or disable the cursor, as per 25 above.
1048 Enable or disable the cursor, as per 25 above.

 Value   Meaning
 2       Lock/unlock the keyboard. When the keyboard is locked,
         it is not possible to enter ANY key strokes, not even a
         multiscreen switch. This is a dangerous mode to set, as
         it can cause the console to freeze, giving the
         impression that the keyboard is hung. Take care when
         setting this mode.
 3       Set 132-column mode. This is currently ignored and will
         only be available in future versions of scoansi.
 4       Enable / disable jump-scroll mode. This has no meaning
         on the console, but other scoansi compliant
         applications such as scoterm or TERMVision may change
         the way in which text is scrolled.
 6       Forces cursor motion to be relative to the top left
         corner.  This is ignored if backwards compatibility
         mode is enabled.  In the default mode, all relative
         cursor motion commands will be unbound.  Thus causes
         commands like CUP to move the cursor relative to the
         top left corner of the region.
 7       Disable or enable automatic margins. Please note that
         this is the inverse of what you would expect. CSI 7 h
         will reset automatic margins, and CSI 7 l will set
         them.  When automatic margins are disabled, characters
         printing at the right margin will simply start
         overwriting the last character.  When automatic margins
         are set (the default), inserting a character at the
         right margin causes the cursor to wrap to the next
         line, scrolling the active region if necessary.
 25      Enable or disable the cursor. When you re-enable the
         cursor, it will return to its previous shape.
 30      Scrollbars on or off. Ignored on the console. Used only
         by scoterm and other GUI-based scoansi emulators.
 44      Enable or disable margin bell. This is ignored on the
         console, but in scoterm and other GUI emulators, causes
         the bell to ring when you approach the right margin.
 48      Enable or disable the cursor, as per 25 above.
 1048    Enable or disable the cursor, as per 25 above.

Name Sequence Termcap Terminfo
MC (Media Copy)
Causes all or part of the screen to be sent to the pass-through printer. Parameter p1 indicates how much of the screen to send to the printer. Currently, only p1=2 is supported, which sends the entire screen contents. Future versions of scoansi may support other values.
CSI p1 i ps mc0
EDK (Enable or Disable Keyboard click)
If p1=0, enable the keyboard click, which causes a very brief tone to be played each time a key is pressed. This is no longer supported on the console. Only GUI versions of scoansi support this sequence (the console driver will recognize this, but simply ignore it). Any other value for p1 disables the keyboard click.
CSI p1 k n/a n/a

 Name                                    Sequence   Termcap   Terminfo
 MC (Media Copy)                         CSI p1 i   ps        mc0
 Causes all or part of the screen to
 be sent to the pass-through printer.
 Parameter p1 indicates how much of
 the screen to send to the printer.
 Currently, only p1=2 is supported,
 which sends the entire screen
 contents. Future versions of scoansi
 may support other values.
 EDK (Enable or Disable Keyboard         CSI p1 k   n/a       n/a
 If p1=0, enable the keyboard click,
 which causes a very brief tone to be
 played each time a key is pressed.
 This is no longer supported on the
 console. Only GUI versions of scoansi
 support this sequence (the console
 driver will recognize this, but
 simply ignore it). Any other value
 for p1 disables the keyboard click.

SGR (Set Graphics Rendition)
Changes the attributes with which characters are displayed. This command can accept up to nine parameters. The parameters can be in any order. The table below shows the meaning of each value:
CSI px m various various

 SGR (Set Graphics Rendition)           CSI px m   various   various
 Changes the attributes with which
 characters are displayed. This
 command can accept up to nine
 parameters. The parameters can be in
 any order. The table below shows the
 meaning of each value:

Value Meaning
0 Disable all attribute modifiers (bold, underline, italic, reverse video, concealed and blinking). In the default mode, set the font back to font 0. In backwards compatibility mode, only set the font if the SGR0 control option is set (see below). Sets the current attribute back to the defined normal attribute.
1 Turn on bold mode. The current foreground color will now appear as a brighter color, if it was not already set to be a bright color by the color sequences defined below.
2 Sets the foreground colors. This sequence takes the next two arguments as the foreground and background color to set, respectively. It then sets the stored normal color to this attribute, and selects it. The color numbers used for this sequence are the ISO color numbers, not the ANSI color numbers (this is an SCO OpenServer extension.) For example, the sequence CSI 2;0;5 m sets the current normal attribute to be black text on a magenta background.
3 Italic / blink mode. In the default mode, this sequence enables italic mode on monochrome video adapters. It is ignored on CGA, EGA or color VGA adapters. If backwards compatibility mode is enabled, then this sequence is used to control the role of the blink bit in the M6845 video controller. The argument following the 3 indicated whether this bit should be interpreted as blink, or as bold background. For example, the sequence CSI 3;1 m will enable blinking text, whereas the sequence CSI 3;0 m will enable bright background colors.
4 Enable underline mode on monochrome adapters.
5 Enable blinking mode. If the M6845 has been programmed to allow blinking text, this will enable that mode. Otherwise, this will have the effect of making all background colors bright.
6 Disable blinking mode. If the M6845 has been programmed to allow blinking text, this will cause subsequent characters not to blink.
7 Enable reverse video. This will start using the attribute defined as the reverse video attribute.
8 Enable concealed mode. This will cause characters printed to be invisible (i.e. they will have the same foreground and background values).
10 Set display font 0. If backwards compatibility mode is enabled, this command will start using the normal attribute again, unless reverse video mode is active, in which case that attribute is used.
Set display fonts 1, 2 or 3 respectively. If backwards compatibility mode is enabled or the ``do not use graphics attribute'' mode is not set in the default mode, then these commands will start using the defined graphics attribute.
21 Disable bold mode.
23 Disable italic mode on monochrome adapters.
24 Disable underline mode on monochrome adapters.
25 Disable blinking mode. Synonymous with 6 above.
26 Enable blinking mode. Synonymous with 5 above.
27 Disable reverse video mode. In backwards compatibility mode this also stops using the graphics character printing attribute and will revert to using the normal attribute.
28 Disable concealed mode. Characters will now be displayed according to the correct attribute (normal, reverse or graphics, depending on other modes set).
30-37 Set the foreground color according to the chart below:

30 Black 34 Blue
31 Red 35 Magenta
32 Green 36 Cyan
33 Brown 37 White

In backwards compatibility mode, this has the effect of removing bold mode, setting the normal and graphics attributes foreground to the specified color, and setting the reverse video attribute background to the specified color. In the default mode, if reverse video is active, this sets the current background to the color specified, else it sets the current foreground to the color specified. In this mode the bold bit is not modified.
39 Set the current foreground to the defined default. In backwards compatibility mode, this sets the current foreground to white text. In the default mode, it sets the current foreground to the color defined for the ``normal'' attribute.
40-47 Set the background color according to the chart below:

40 Black 44 Blue
41 Red 45 Magenta
42 Green 46 Cyan
43 Brown 47 White

If backwards compatibility mode, this has the effect of removing blink mode, setting the normal and graphics attributes background to the specified color, and setting the reverse video attribute foreground to the specified color. In the default mode, if reverse video is active, this sets the current foreground to the color specified, else it sets the current background to the color specified. In this mode the blink bit is not modified.
49 Set the current background to the defined default. In backwards compatibility mode, this sets the current background to black. In the default mode, it sets the current background to the color defined for the ``normal'' attribute.
50 Reset to the original color pair. In backwards compatibility mode, set the normal attribute to white text on a black background, and reverse video to black text on a white background. In the default (new) mode, set the current attribute according to the current mode and the current values for reverse, normal or graphics modes.
51 Resets all colors to the system default of gray for the foreground and reverse background, and black for the background and reverse foreground. Only valid in new mode.
90-97 Only valid in the new (default) emulation mode. Sets the current foreground to the color specified. These colors are different to the ANSI colors, as they use the standard ISO color numbering scheme. Colors set with these sequences are always bright colors (using one of these sequences enables bold mode automatically). The color values are:

90 Black 94 Red
91 Blue 95 Magenta
92 Green 96 Yellow
93 Cyan 97 White

If reverse video mode is active, these sequences set the current background color. Note that these sequences operate only on the current display attribute, they do not modify the default values that sequences like CSI 50 m would revert to.
100-107 Only valid in the new (default) emulation mode. Sets the current background to the color specified. These colors are different to the ANSI colors, as they use the standard ISO color numbering scheme. Colors set with these sequences are always bright colors (i.e. using one of these sequences enables bold mode automatically and will program the M6845 controller to allow for bold background colors). The color values are:

100 Black 104 Red
101 Blue 105 Magenta
102 Green 106 Yellow
103 Cyan 107 White

If reverse video mode is active, these sequences set the current background color. Note that these sequences operate only on the current display attribute, they do not modify the default values that sequences like CSI 50 m would revert to.

 Value     Meaning
 0         Disable all attribute modifiers (bold, underline,
           italic, reverse video, concealed and blinking). In the
           default mode, set the font back to font 0. In backwards
           compatibility mode, only set the font if the SGR0
           control option is set (see below). Sets the current
           attribute back to the defined normal attribute.
 1         Turn on bold mode. The current foreground color will
           now appear as a brighter color, if it was not already
           set to be a bright color by the color sequences defined
 2         Sets the foreground colors. This sequence takes the
           next two arguments as the foreground and background
           color to set, respectively. It then sets the stored
           normal color to this attribute, and selects it. The
           color numbers used for this sequence are the ISO color
           numbers, not the ANSI color numbers (this is an SCO
           OpenServer extension.) For example, the sequence CSI
           2;0;5 m sets the current normal attribute to be black
           text on a magenta background.
 3         Italic / blink mode. In the default mode, this sequence
           enables italic mode on monochrome video adapters. It is
           ignored on CGA, EGA or color VGA adapters. If backwards
           compatibility mode is enabled, then this sequence is
           used to control the role of the blink bit in the M6845
           video controller.  The argument following the 3
           indicated whether this bit should be interpreted as
           blink, or as bold background.  For example, the
           sequence CSI 3;1 m will enable blinking text, whereas
           the sequence CSI 3;0 m will enable bright background
 4         Enable underline mode on monochrome adapters.
 5         Enable blinking mode. If the M6845 has been programmed
           to allow blinking text, this will enable that mode.
           Otherwise, this will have the effect of making all
           background colors bright.
 6         Disable blinking mode. If the M6845 has been programmed
           to allow blinking text, this will cause subsequent
           characters not to blink.
 7         Enable reverse video. This will start using the
           attribute defined as the reverse video attribute.
 8         Enable concealed mode.  This will cause characters
           printed to be invisible (i.e. they will have the same
           foreground and background values).
 10        Set display font 0. If backwards compatibility mode is
           enabled, this command will start using the normal
           attribute again, unless reverse video mode is active,
           in which case that attribute is used.
 11        Set display fonts 1, 2 or 3 respectively. If backwards
 12        compatibility mode is enabled or the ``do not use
 13        graphics attribute'' mode is not set in the default
           mode, then these commands will start using the defined
           graphics attribute.
 21        Disable bold mode.
 23        Disable italic mode on monochrome adapters.
 24        Disable underline mode on monochrome adapters.
 25        Disable blinking mode. Synonymous with 6 above.
 26        Enable blinking mode. Synonymous with 5 above.
 27        Disable reverse video mode. In backwards compatibility
           mode this also stops using the graphics character
           printing attribute and will revert to using the normal
 28        Disable concealed mode. Characters will now be
           displayed according to the correct attribute (normal,
           reverse or graphics, depending on other modes set).
 30-37     Set the foreground color according to the chart below:
           30   Black         34   Blue
           31   Red           35   Magenta
           32   Green         36   Cyan
           33   Brown         37   White
           In backwards compatibility mode, this has the effect of
           removing bold mode, setting the normal and graphics
           attributes foreground to the specified color, and
           setting the reverse video attribute background to the
           specified color. In the default mode, if reverse video
           is active, this sets the current background to the
           color specified, else it sets the current foreground to
           the color specified. In this mode the bold bit is not
 39        Set the current foreground to the defined default. In
           backwards compatibility mode, this sets the current
           foreground to white text. In the default mode, it sets
           the current foreground to the color defined for the
           ``normal'' attribute.
 40-47     Set the background color according to the chart below:
           40   Black         44   Blue
           41   Red           45   Magenta
           42   Green         46   Cyan
           43   Brown         47   White
           If backwards compatibility mode, this has the effect of
           removing blink mode, setting the normal and graphics
           attributes background to the specified color, and
           setting the reverse video attribute foreground to the
           specified color. In the default mode, if reverse video
           is active, this sets the current foreground to the
           color specified, else it sets the current background to
           the color specified. In this mode the blink bit is not
 49        Set the current background to the defined default. In
           backwards compatibility mode, this sets the current
           background to black.  In the default mode, it sets the
           current background to the color defined for the
           ``normal'' attribute.
 50        Reset to the original color pair. In backwards
           compatibility mode, set the normal attribute to white
           text on a black background, and reverse video to black
           text on a white background.  In the default (new) mode,
           set the current attribute according to the current mode
           and the current values for reverse, normal or graphics
 51        Resets all colors to the system default of gray for the
           foreground and reverse background, and black for the
           background and reverse foreground.  Only valid in new
 90-97     Only valid in the new (default) emulation mode. Sets
           the current foreground to the color specified. These
           colors are different to the ANSI colors, as they use
           the standard ISO color numbering scheme. Colors set
           with these sequences are always bright colors (using
           one of these sequences enables bold mode
           automatically).  The color values are:
           90      Black         94     Red
           91      Blue          95     Magenta
           92      Green         96     Yellow
           93      Cyan          97     White
           If reverse video mode is active, these sequences set
           the current background color. Note that these sequences
           operate only on the current display attribute, they do
           not modify the default values that sequences like CSI
           50 m would revert to.
 100-107   Only valid in the new (default) emulation mode. Sets
           the current background to the color specified. These
           colors are different to the ANSI colors, as they use
           the standard ISO color numbering scheme. Colors set
           with these sequences are always bright colors (i.e.
           using one of these sequences enables bold mode
           automatically and will program the M6845 controller to
           allow for bold background colors). The color values
           100    Black          104    Red
           101    Blue           105    Magenta
           102    Green          106    Yellow
           103    Cyan           107    White
           If reverse video mode is active, these sequences set
           the current background color. Note that these sequences
           operate only on the current display attribute, they do
           not modify the default values that sequences like CSI
           50 m would revert to.

Name Sequence Termcap Terminfo
TCP (Transmit Cursor Position)
Cause the driver to return, via the keyboard input stream, the current cursor position. The string returned is the current row and column position, separated by a space and terminated with a newline. Thus, if the cursor was at row 5, column 12, this sequence would eject the string ``5 12\n''. Only valid in new mode.
CSI n n/a n/a
TMP (Transmit Margin Position)
Cause the driver to return, via the keyboard input stream, the current margin position(s). Only valid in new mode. Parameter p1 indicates which margin position should be returned, and can be one of the following values (all strings are terminated with a newline):
CSI p1 o n/a n/a

 Name                                   Sequence   Termcap   Terminfo
 TCP (Transmit Cursor Position)         CSI n      n/a       n/a
 Cause the driver to return, via the
 keyboard input stream, the current
 cursor position. The string returned
 is the current row and column
 position, separated by a space and
 terminated with a newline. Thus, if
 the cursor was at row 5, column 12,
 this sequence would eject the string
 ``5 12\n''.  Only valid in new mode.
 TMP (Transmit Margin Position)         CSI p1 o   n/a       n/a
 Cause the driver to return, via the
 keyboard input stream, the current
 margin position(s).  Only valid in
 new mode.  Parameter p1 indicates
 which margin position should be
 returned, and can be one of the
 following values (all strings are
 terminated with a newline):

Value Meaning
0 Return all margin positions, each separated by a space and terminated with a newline. The order in which the margins are returned is top, bottom, left and right. For example, if a scrolling region is defined, and its upper left corner is at row 5 column 5, and its lower right corner is at row 20 column 75, this sequence would return the string ``5 20 5 75\n''.
1 Return just the top margin.
2 Return just the bottom margin.
3 Return just the left margin.
4 Return just the right margin.

 Value   Meaning
 0       Return all margin positions, each separated by a space
         and terminated with a newline. The order in which the
         margins are returned is top, bottom, left and right.
         For example, if a scrolling region is defined, and its
         upper left corner is at row 5 column 5, and its lower
         right corner is at row 20 column 75, this sequence
         would return the string ``5 20 5 75\n''.
 1       Return just the top margin.
 2       Return just the bottom margin.
 3       Return just the left margin.
 4       Return just the right margin.
The following two sequences are not available in backwards compatibility mode (where scrolling regions are not supported):

Name Sequence Termcap Terminfo
CSR (Change Scrolling Region) CSI p1;p2 r cs csr
  CSI p1-4 r wi wind

 Name                            Sequence      Termcap   Terminfo
 CSR (Change Scrolling Region)   CSI p1;p2 r   cs        csr
                                 CSI p1-4 r    wi        wind
These set the scrolling region. In the first form of the sequence, where only two values are specified, p1 and p2 specify the top and bottom margins of the scrolling region. If only one argument is used, then it specifies the top margin, and the scrolling region will extend from the specified row to the end of the screen.

In the second form, where 3 or more parameters are specified, the parameters are the top, bottom, left and right margins respectively. If you omit the last parameter, the extreme edge of the screen is assumed to be the right margin.

If any of the parameters are out of bounds, they are clipped. If any of the parameters would cause an overlap (i.e. the bottom margin is higher than the top margin, or the right margin is less that the left margin), then this command is ignored and no scrolling region or window will be active. If all of the parameters are correct, then the cursor is moved to the top left hand corner of the newly-created region. The new region will now define the bounds of all scroll and cursor motion operations.

Name Sequence Termcap Terminfo
SCP (Save Cursor Position)
Save the current cursor position. The cursor position can be restored later using the RCP sequence. Alternate control sequences described here have the same effect.
CSI s sc sc

 Name                                    Sequence   Termcap   Terminfo
 SCP (Save Cursor Position)              CSI s      sc        sc
 Save the current cursor position. The
 cursor position can be restored later
 using the RCP sequence. Alternate
 control sequences described here have
 the same effect.

RCP (Restore Cursor Position)
Restore the cursor to the position it occupied at the last time an SCP sequence was received. Alternate control sequences described here the same effect.
CSI u rc rc
SSW (Screen SWitch)
Make the multiscreen number specified by parameter p1 the current one. If p1 refers to an invalid multiscreen number, no action is taken.
CSI p1 z n/a n/a
HPA2 (Horizontal Position Absolute)
This is a synonym for the sequence.
CSI p1 ` ch hpa
ICH (Insert CHaracter)
Insert p1 blank characters at the current cursor position. This will cause the characters following the cursor to shift to the right. Characters that would move beyond the right margin are lost.
CSI p1 IC ich
CUB (CUrsor Backwards)
This is a synonym for the CUB sequence.

 RCP (Restore Cursor Position)           CSI u          rc    rc
 Restore the cursor to the position it
 occupied at the last time an SCP
 sequence was received. Alternate
 control sequences described here the
 same effect.
 SSW (Screen SWitch)                     CSI p1 z       n/a   n/a
 Make the multiscreen number specified
 by parameter p1 the current one.  If
 p1 refers to an invalid multiscreen
 number, no action is taken.
 HPA2 (Horizontal Position Absolute)     CSI p1 `       ch    hpa
 This is a synonym for the sequence.
 ICH (Insert CHaracter)                  CSI p1         IC    ich
 Insert p1 blank characters at the
 current cursor position. This will
 cause the characters following the
 cursor to shift to the right.
 Characters that would move beyond the
 right margin are lost.
 CUB (CUrsor Backwards)                  CSI p1 SPACE   LE    cub
 This is a synonym for the CUB

Additional screen control sequences

This section describes a set of control sequences for which there is no ANSI standard definition. Most of these extensions are used to provide some basic level of compatibility with DEC VT100 terminals, and other programs and drivers which emulate these terminals, such as xterm(XC) or the Linux console. A set of sequences which are unique to SCO OpenServer are also included in this section. These sequences begin with the SCO OpenServer CSI sequence, ``CSI =''. In the table that follows, these sequences are prefixed as CSIS.

Name Sequence Termcap Terminfo
SCP (Save Cursor Position)
Save the current cursor position. This is a synonym for the ANSI SCP sequence.
ESC 7 sc sc
RCP (Restore Cursor Position)
Restore the cursor to the position it occupied at the last time an SCP sequence was received. This is a synonym for the ANSI RCP sequence.
ESC 8 rc rc
CFI (Cursor Forward Index)
Moves the cursor down exactly one line, scrolling the active region.
ESC D n/a n/a
CBNL (Cursor to Beginning of Next Line)
Move the cursor to the beginning of the next line. If the cursor is at the bottom margin, the screen, region or window will scroll.
ESC E n/a n/a
SHT (Set Horizontal TAB)
Set a tab stop at the current column, for all rows.
ESC H st hts
CBPL (Cursor to Beginning of Previous Line)
Move the cursor to the left margin and then move up one line. If the cursor was on the top margin, this will cause the active region to scroll.
ESC I n/a n/a
CRI (Cursor Reverse Index)
Move the cursor up exactly one line. If the cursor is already at the top margin, this will cause the active region to scroll.
ESC M n/a n/a
SFK (Set Function Key)
This sequence is used to program the function keys, using the same syntax as the DOS ANSI.SYS driver does. defn is the definition of the function key, and is in the form: K"string". K is the function key number starting at zero plus the ASCII Value of 0. For example, <F1> would be ``0'', <F16> would be ``?'', and so on. The delimiter ``"'' may be any character not in ``string''. ``string'' is the set of characters to be transmitted when the specified function key is pressed. In ``string'' the ``^'' character causes the next character to have 32 subtracted from its ASCII value. Thus, ``^!'' results in an SOH (^A) character.
ESC Q defn n/a n/a
RIS (Reset Initial Screen)
Fully reset the emulator state. This sequence is a synonym for the ANSI RIS sequence.
ESC c n/a n/a
LMA (Lock Memory Above)
This is an alternative way to set the scrolling region, and is not valid in backwards compatibility mode. This sequence sets the top margin to the current line, and the bottom margin extends to the last row of the screen. This has the effect of locking the rows above the current line. This sequence will move the cursor to the beginning of the new region.
ESC l n/a n/a
USR (Unlock Scrolling Region)
This sequence can be used to remove the scrolling region. The cursor is not moved from its current position. The top, bottom, left and right margins are set to cover the entire screen.
ESC m n/a n/a

 Name                                    Sequence     Termcap   Terminfo
 SCP (Save Cursor Position)              ESC 7        sc        sc
 Save the current cursor position.
 This is a synonym for the ANSI SCP
 RCP (Restore Cursor Position)           ESC 8        rc        rc
 Restore the cursor to the position it
 occupied at the last time an SCP
 sequence was received. This is a
 synonym for the ANSI RCP sequence
 CFI (Cursor Forward Index)              ESC D        n/a       n/a
 Moves the cursor down exactly one
 line, scrolling the active region.
 CBNL (Cursor to Beginning of Next       ESC E        n/a       n/a
 Move the cursor to the beginning of
 the next line. If the cursor is at
 the bottom margin, the screen, region
 or window will scroll.
 SHT (Set Horizontal TAB)                ESC H        st        hts
 Set a tab stop at the current column,
 for all rows.
 CBPL (Cursor to Beginning of Previous   ESC I        n/a       n/a
 Move the cursor to the left margin
 and then move up one line. If the
 cursor was on the top margin, this
 will cause the active region to
 CRI (Cursor Reverse Index)              ESC M        n/a       n/a
 Move the cursor up exactly one line.
 If the cursor is already at the top
 margin, this will cause the active
 region to scroll.
 SFK (Set Function Key)                  ESC Q defn   n/a       n/a
 This sequence is used to program the
 function keys, using the same syntax
 as the DOS ANSI.SYS driver does. defn
 is the definition of the function
 key, and is in the form: K"string".
 K is the function key number starting
 at zero plus the ASCII Value of 0.
 For example, <F1> would be ``0'',
 <F16> would be ``?'', and so on.  The
 delimiter ``"'' may be any character
 not in ``string''.  ``string'' is the
 set of characters to be transmitted
 when the specified function key is
 pressed.  In ``string'' the ``^''
 character causes the next character
 to have 32 subtracted from its ASCII
 value.  Thus, ``^!'' results in an
 SOH (^A) character.
 RIS (Reset Initial Screen)              ESC c        n/a       n/a
 Fully reset the emulator state. This
 sequence is a synonym for the ANSI
 RIS sequence
 LMA (Lock Memory Above)                 ESC l        n/a       n/a
 This is an alternative way to set the
 scrolling region, and is not valid in
 backwards compatibility mode.  This
 sequence sets the top margin to the
 current line, and the bottom margin
 extends to the last row of the
 screen.  This has the effect of
 locking the rows above the current
 line.  This sequence will move the
 cursor to the beginning of the new
 USR (Unlock Scrolling Region)           ESC m        n/a       n/a
 This sequence can be used to remove
 the scrolling region.  The cursor is
 not moved from its current position.
 The top, bottom, left and right
 margins are set to cover the entire

Additional SCO OpenServer screen control sequences

This section describes a set of control sequences provided in SCO OpenServer that further extend the ANSI standard definition.

Name Sequence Termcap Terminfo
SBC (Set Border Color)
Set the overscan (border) to the color specified. The color number comes from ``ISO Color Map''
CSIS p1 A n/a n/a

 Name                                 Sequence    Termcap   Terminfo
 SBC (Set Border Color)               CSIS p1 A   n/a       n/a
 Set the overscan (border) to the
 color specified.  The color number
 comes from ``ISO Color Map''

SBP (Set Bell Parameters)
Set the frequency (p1) and duration (p2) of the audible bell. The frequency is in units of 840.3 nanoseconds, and the duration is in units of 100 milliseconds.
CSIS p1;p2 B n/a n/a
SCS (Set Cursor Shape)
Set the shape of the flashing cursor. Parameter p1 is the top scanline of the cursor, and p2 is the bottom scanline of the cursor. If you set the bottom scan line to a value less than the top scan line, the cursor will disappear.
CSIS p1;p2 C n/a n/a
SBI (Set Background Intensity)
Turns the intensity of background colors on (p1 = 1) or off (p1 = 0). Any characters printed with the ``blink'' attribute modifier will instead be displayed as having an intense background.
CSIS p1 D n/a n/a
SBB ( Set Background Blink bit)
Sets (p1 = 1) or clears (p1 = 0) the Blink versus Bold background bit in the M6845 CRT controller. The parameters are the exact inverse of the SBI sequence above. Other than that, they behave the same on the console. In GUI versions of scoansi, the application may distinguish between these two sequences.
CSIS p1 E n/a n/a
SNF (Set Normal Foreground color)
Sets the normal foreground color to ISO color p1.
CSIS p1 F n/a n/a
SNB (Set Normal Background color)
Sets the normal background color to ISO color p1.
CSIS p1 G n/a n/a
SRF (Set Reverse Foreground color)
Sets the reverse video foreground color to ISO color p1.
CSIS p1 H n/a n/a
SRB (Set Reverse Foreground color)
Sets the reverse video background color to ISO color p1.
CSIS p1 I n/a n/a
SGF (Set Reverse Foreground color)
Sets the graphic character foreground color to ISO color p1.
CSIS p1 J n/a n/a
SGB (Set Reverse Foreground color)
Sets the graphic character background color to ISO color p1.
CSIS p1 K n/a n/a
SEF (Set Emulation Feature)
Control the various emulator features. Parameter p1 indicates the action to be taken:
CSIS p1 L n/a n/a

 SBP (Set Bell Parameters)               CSIS p1;p2 B   n/a   n/a
 Set the frequency (p1) and duration
 (p2) of the audible bell.  The
 frequency is in units of 840.3
 nanoseconds, and the duration is in
 units of 100 milliseconds.
 SCS (Set Cursor Shape)                  CSIS p1;p2 C   n/a   n/a
 Set the shape of the flashing cursor.
 Parameter p1 is the top scanline of
 the cursor, and p2 is the bottom
 scanline of the cursor. If you set
 the bottom scan line to a value less
 than the top scan line, the cursor
 will disappear.
 SBI (Set Background Intensity)          CSIS p1 D      n/a   n/a
 Turns the intensity of background
 colors on (p1 = 1) or off (p1 = 0).
 Any characters printed with the
 ``blink'' attribute modifier will
 instead be displayed as having an
 intense background.
 SBB ( Set Background Blink bit)         CSIS p1 E      n/a   n/a
 Sets (p1 = 1) or clears (p1 = 0) the
 Blink versus Bold background bit in
 the M6845 CRT controller.  The
 parameters are the exact inverse of
 the SBI sequence above.  Other than
 that, they behave the same on the
 console.  In GUI versions of scoansi,
 the application may distinguish
 between these two sequences.
 SNF (Set Normal Foreground color)       CSIS p1 F      n/a   n/a
 Sets the normal foreground color to
 ISO color p1.
 SNB (Set Normal Background color)       CSIS p1 G      n/a   n/a
 Sets the normal background color to
 ISO color p1.
 SRF (Set Reverse Foreground color)      CSIS p1 H      n/a   n/a
 Sets the reverse video foreground
 color to ISO color p1.
 SRB (Set Reverse Foreground color)      CSIS p1 I      n/a   n/a
 Sets the reverse video background
 color to ISO color p1.
 SGF (Set Reverse Foreground color)      CSIS p1 J      n/a   n/a
 Sets the graphic character foreground
 color to ISO color p1.
 SGB (Set Reverse Foreground color)      CSIS p1 K      n/a   n/a
 Sets the graphic character background
 color to ISO color p1.
 SEF (Set Emulation Feature)             CSIS p1 L      n/a   n/a
 Control the various emulator
 features. Parameter p1 indicates the
 action to be taken:

Value Meaning
0 New regions filled with the current attribute (default)
1 New regions filled with the normal attribute
2 Disable iBCS2 compliance (default)
3 Enable iBCS2 compliance
4 Disable ANSI SGR0 interpretation (default)
5 Enable ANSI SGR0 interpretation
6 Disable backwards compatibility mode (default)
7 Enable backwards compatibility mode (resets margins too)
8 Cursor motion bound by region (default)
9 Cursor motion unbound
10 Enable 8-bit keyboard meta mode (default)
11 Disable 8-bit keyboard meta mode
12 Disable debugging for this screen (default)
13 Enable debugging for this screen (do not use)
14 Disable global video loop debugging (default)
15 Enable global video loop debugging (do not use)
16 Enable M6845 frame buffer optimization (default)
17 Disable M6845 frame buffer optimization (debugging only)
20 Disable using ESC for meta (high) bit.
21 Enable using ESC for meta (high) bit.

 Value   Meaning
 0       New regions filled with the current attribute (default)
 1       New regions filled with the normal attribute
 2       Disable iBCS2 compliance (default)
 3       Enable iBCS2 compliance
 4       Disable ANSI SGR0 interpretation (default)
 5       Enable ANSI SGR0 interpretation
 6       Disable backwards compatibility mode (default)
 7       Enable backwards compatibility mode (resets margins too)
 8       Cursor motion bound by region (default)
 9       Cursor motion unbound
 10      Enable 8-bit keyboard meta mode (default)
 11      Disable 8-bit keyboard meta mode
 12      Disable debugging for this screen (default)
 13      Enable debugging for this screen (do not use)
 14      Disable global video loop debugging (default)
 15      Enable global video loop debugging (do not use)
 16      Enable M6845 frame buffer optimization (default)
 17      Disable M6845 frame buffer optimization (debugging only)
 20      Disable using ESC for meta (high) bit.
 21      Enable using ESC for meta (high) bit.
See ``Scan codes'' in keyboard(HW) for details on meta- versus non-meta mode.

Name Sequence Termcap Terminfo
RAS (Return Attribute Setting)
Use this sequence to return the current settings for the attribute type specified by p1. Attributes are returned via the keyboard data input stream as text decimal numbers separated by a space and terminated with a newline. The attribute values returned use the ISO color numbering scheme. For example, if the current normal attribute setting is bright yellow on a blue background, CSIN 0 M would return ``14 1\n''. p1 can be one of the following values:
CSIS p1 M n/a n/a

 Name                                    Sequence    Termcap   Terminfo
 RAS (Return Attribute Setting)          CSIS p1 M   n/a       n/a
 Use this sequence to return the
 current settings for the attribute
 type specified by p1. Attributes are
 returned via the keyboard data input
 stream as text decimal numbers
 separated by a space and terminated
 with a newline. The attribute values
 returned use the ISO color numbering
 scheme. For example, if the current
 normal attribute setting is bright
 yellow on a blue background, CSIN 0 M
 would return ``14 1\n''. p1 can be
 one of the following values:

Value Meaning
0 Return the current normal attribute setting
1 Return the current reverse video attribute setting
2 Return the current graphic character attribute setting

 Value   Meaning
 0       Return the current normal attribute setting
 1       Return the current reverse video attribute setting
 2       Return the current graphic character attribute setting

Name Sequence Termcap Terminfo
HSC (Hide or Show Cursor)
Either hide or show the cursor. When you hide the cursor, scoansi remembers its previous shape, so that if you restore it, it is restored to its previous shape. p1 specifies how to handle the cursor, and can be one of the following values:
CSIS p1 c various various

 Name                                    Sequence    Termcap   Terminfo
 HSC (Hide or Show Cursor)               CSIS p1 c   various   various
 Either hide or show the cursor. When
 you hide the cursor, scoansi
 remembers its previous shape, so that
 if you restore it, it is restored to
 its previous shape. p1 specifies how
 to handle the cursor, and can be one
 of the following values:

Value Meaning
0 Hide the cursor, saving its shape for a future restore
1 Restore the cursor after hiding or making it very visible
2 Make the cursor very visible, saving its shape for a future restore. If you move from a hidden to a very visible shape, the cursor shape is not stored. This ensures that when a restore command is given, the original cursor shape is restored.

 Value   Meaning
 0       Hide the cursor, saving its shape for a future restore
 1       Restore the cursor after hiding or making it very
 2       Make the cursor very visible, saving its shape for a
         future restore. If you move from a hidden to a very
         visible shape, the cursor shape is not stored. This
         ensures that when a restore command is given, the
         original cursor shape is restored.

Name Sequence Termcap Terminfo
PRC (Print ROM Character)
If only one argument is passed to this function, display the glyph for the PC ROM character specified by p1. If 3 parameters are passed, then then p2 and p3 are used to set the graphic character attribute foreground and background respectively, using the ISO color numbering scheme described below.
CSIS p1 g n/a n/a
CHC (Clear and Home Cursor)
Much like the Form Feed (FF) ASCII control character, this sequence will erase the entire screen using the current fill attribute, but it will ignore the current scrolling region if set (the entire screen is always cleared, regardless of the scrolling region settings). The cursor will be left at the top left of the scrolling region.
CSIS l n/a n/a
SSM (Set Specific Margin)
This sequence can be used to set any one of the 4 margins. Parameter p1 indicates which margin to set (p1=0 for the top margin, p1=1 for the bottom, p1=2 for the left and p1=3 for the right). p2 is the row or column to set the margin to. If after this control sequence has been processed, the top or bottom margins are not at the top of the screen, and the left and right margins are at the screen boundary, then the scrolling region is set to the size specified. If either of the left or right margins are not at the screen boundary then the scrolling region is bound by the current margins.
CSIS p1;p2 m n/a n/a
RSM (ReSet Margins)
This sequence can be used to reset all of the margins to cover the entire screen. This will deactivate the scrolling region (if defined). If not, this sequence has no effect. The cursor is not moved.
CSIS r n/a n/a
CAT (Clear All TABs)
Clear all tab stops. If a TAB character is received and there are no TAB stops set, then the TAB character will move the cursor to the right margin. If backwards compatibility mode is on, then the cursor moves one position beyond the margin, thus causing the cursor to wrap to the left margin on the next line, performing a scroll if necessary.
CSIS z ct tbc

 Name                                    Sequence       Termcap   Terminfo
 PRC (Print ROM Character)               CSIS p1 g      n/a       n/a
 If only one argument is passed to
 this function, display the glyph for
 the PC ROM character specified by p1.
 If 3 parameters are passed, then then
 p2 and p3 are used to set the graphic
 character attribute foreground and
 background respectively, using the
 ISO color numbering scheme described
 CHC (Clear and Home Cursor)             CSIS l         n/a       n/a
 Much like the Form Feed (FF) ASCII
 control character, this sequence will
 erase the entire screen using the
 current fill attribute, but it will
 ignore the current scrolling region
 if set (the entire screen is always
 cleared, regardless of the scrolling
 region settings).  The cursor will be
 left at the top left of the scrolling
 SSM (Set Specific Margin)               CSIS p1;p2 m   n/a       n/a
 This sequence can be used to set any
 one of the 4 margins. Parameter p1
 indicates which margin to set (p1=0
 for the top margin, p1=1 for the
 bottom, p1=2 for the left and p1=3
 for the right). p2 is the row or
 column to set the margin to. If after
 this control sequence has been
 processed, the top or bottom margins
 are not at the top of the screen, and
 the left and right margins are at the
 screen boundary, then the scrolling
 region is set to the size specified.
 If either of the left or right
 margins are not at the screen
 boundary then the scrolling region is
 bound by the current margins.
 RSM (ReSet Margins)                     CSIS r         n/a       n/a
 This sequence can be used to reset
 all of the margins to cover the
 entire screen. This will deactivate
 the scrolling region (if defined). If
 not, this sequence has no effect.
 The cursor is not moved.
 CAT (Clear All TABs)                    CSIS z         ct        tbc
 Clear all tab stops. If a TAB
 character is received and there are
 no TAB stops set, then the TAB
 character will move the cursor to the
 right margin. If backwards
 compatibility mode is on, then the
 cursor moves one position beyond the
 margin, thus causing the cursor to
 wrap to the left margin on the next
 line, performing a scroll if

ISO Color Map

Several control sequences use ISO color numbering. The table below shows the color numbers and the colors they display:

Value Color Value Color
0 Black 8 Gray
1 Blue 9 Light Blue
2 Green 10 Light Green
3 Cyan 11 Light Cyan
4 Red 12 Light Red
5 Magenta 13 Light Magenta
6 Brown 14 Yellow
7 White 15 Bright White

 Value   Color     Value   Color
 0       Black     8       Gray
 1       Blue      9       Light Blue
 2       Green     10      Light Green
 3       Cyan      11      Light Cyan
 4       Red       12      Light Red
 5       Magenta   13      Light Magenta
 6       Brown     14      Yellow
 7       White     15      Bright White


The following error messages may be displayed on the console. See messages(M) for general information about kernel error messages, including a list of generic device driver errors.

CONFIG: console: Cannot allocate SCRNMEM = nk (NSCRN = n too many screens)
Not enough memory was available for the video driver. Decrease the number of screens as set by the configurable parameter NSCRN.
WARNING: console: Kernel messages lost on non-text screen
         Check kernel messages logfile
Kernel messages were lost while the console was in graphics mode and did not appear. Check the last few lines of /usr/adm/messages to find the messages.
PANIC: console: Too many keyboard groups (MAXKBGRPS max)
There are more video devices attached to your system than the kernel is designed to support.


The following module includes examples of getting the display mode, screen switching, I/O privilege, and memory mapping.

Sample code (part 1 of 4)

#include <stdio.h>

#include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/signal.h> #include <sys/vtkd.h>


int Isdisplayed; /* flag: when are we flipped away */ char *Screenmem; /* physical map to the video RAM */ int graf(); /* Set everything up */ void grafend(); /* Restore user's text mode */ void grafquit(); /* Clean-up and exit */ void rel_screen(), acq_screen(); int Oldmode; /* save mode of user shell screen */

/* * Set up the graphics multiscreen stuff and call another * routine to set up card. */ graf() { struct vt_mode smode;

Isdisplayed = 1; /* * Set up to catch the screen switch signals. */ signal(SIG_REL, rel_screen); signal(SIG_ACQ, acq_screen); /* * Set up the data structure that asks the driver * to send you signals when the screens are switched. * mode == VT_PROCESS means send screen switch signals. * mode == VT_AUTO means turn off screen switch signals (regular mode). * relsig == the signal you want when the user switches away. * acqsig == the signal you want when the user switches back to you. */ smode.mode = VT_PROCESS; smode.waitv = 0; /* not implemented, reserved */ smode.relsig = SIG_REL; smode.acqsig = SIG_ACQ; smode.frsig = SIGINT; /* not implemented, reserved */

if(-1 == ioctl(0, VT_SETMODE, &smode)) { perror("screen switch signal ioctl VT_SETMODE"); exit(1); } signal(SIGINT, grafquit); grafmode(); }

Sample code (part 2 of 4)

 * this is the signal handler for when the user screen flips
 * away from us.
	signal(SIG_REL, rel_screen);
	Isdisplayed = 0;
 * Tell the video driver that you have saved your state
 * and it can now have the card to switch to the new screen.
 * The video driver waits (forever) for this ioctl before
 * it will complete the screen switch requested by the user.
 * If you don't make this ioctl the screen switcher will
 * be wedged until it gets one.  It is best to have a
 * small one line reldisp.c program to unwedge your screen
 * switcher when development programs screw up from time
 * to time.
	ioctl(0, VT_RELDISP, VT_TRUE);

/* * this is the signal handler for when the user screen flips * back to us. */ void acq_screen() { signal(SIG_ACQ, acq_screen); Isdisplayed = 1; ega_restore(); /* * Tell the video driver that you have restored your state * and screen switching can now continue. */ ioctl(0, VT_RELDISP, VT_ACKACQ); }

void grafquit() { grafend(); exit(0); }

Sample code (3 of 4)

 * restore text mode.
	ioctl(0, MODESWITCH | Oldmode, (char *)0);

grafmode() { int adapter, privlcmd; /* * Confirm that we are on a supported video adapter. */ adapter = ioctl(0, CONS_CURRENT, (char *)0); if(EGA != adapter && VGA != adapter) { puts("Stdin must be an EGA or VGA multiscreen"); exit(0); }

Sample code (4 of 4)

 * Save the user's current text mode so you
 * can restore it on exit.
	Oldmode = ioctl(0, CONS_GET, (char *)0);
 * Get privilege to do direct INs and OUTs to the video card.
	if(EGA == adapter)
		privlcmd = EGA_IOPRIVL;
		privlcmd = VGA_IOPRIVL;
	if(-1 == ioctl(0, privlcmd, 1))
		perror("I/O privilege denied");
 * Have the video driver reprogram the card for EGA 640x350 16 color mode.
 * Map the video card's frame buffer into your address space.
 * This must be done after the mode switch command or you get
 * frame buffer address for the wrong mode mapped in.
	Screenmem = (char *)ioctl(0, MAPCONS, (char *)0);


Do not enable(C) or disable(C) /dev/console because this may corrupt the /etc/inittab file; instead, enable or disable the display adapter (tty01), or the serial adapter (tty?a) if the console is configured to be on a particular serial device.


A serial console cannot be attached to a multiport card or one that uses special drivers; it must be on a standard COM1 card.


tty to which first shell is attached, used for system maintenance

system error messages display device, linked initially to /dev/console

system console device, linked to the tty from which init(M) was last invoked

default console ioctl(S) settings used by init(M)

provide character I/O between keyboard and monitor





list of existing video classes, generated by mkdev graphics


adapter types for console multiscreens



See also

boot(HW), init(M), ioctl(S), keyboard(HW), mapchan(M), mapkey(M), multiscreen(M), scancode(HW), setcolor(C), stty(C), termcap(F), tty(M), vidi(C),

``System console bootstring'' in Configuring system hardware

``Configuring video adapters'' in Configuring video adapters and monitors

``Setting up serial consoles'' in Adding Serial Terminals

© 2007 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 05 June 2007