
DmiIndicationListen -- instruct client to listen for incoming indications


#include <clidmi.h>

DmiErrorStatus_t DMI_API DmiIndicationListen (void);


DmiIndicationListen tells the client front-end to listen for incoming indications. In response to this call, the client front-end software starts indication servers on all supported RPCs. Incoming indications will be delivered from the Service Providers where the application has subscribed to the application's indication server. The indication server forwards these indications to the application through the callback entry points last set by the DmiSetIndicationCallbacks(3dmi) function. To receive indications, an application should complete the following operations:

  1. Specify the indication entry points in the application using the DmiSetIndicationCallbacks(3dmi) function.

  2. Start the indication server to listen for indications, using the DmiIndicationListen(3dmi) function, and retrieve the indication server address, using the DmiGetSubscriptionAddress(3dmi) function.

  3. Subscribe for indications in all the Service Providers from which the application wishes to receive indications ( DmiRemoteRegister(3dmi), DmiAddRow(3dmi), DmiUnregister(3dmi)). Set the ``Subscriber Addressing'' field of the subscription and event filter rows to the indication server address.
DmiIndicationListen returns to the caller immediately after processing all the instructions associated with this function. This function is executed entirely by the client and does not send any command to the Service Provider. An application calls the DmiIndicationListenExt(3dmi) function to start indication server for specific RPC and transport protocols.

Return values






For a description of return values, see ``DMI error codes'' in Desktop Management Interface programming.


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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004